Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

@argem17 Feels like a lot management with multiple apps and data points.

Do you have any app that can help in all this in one go and one place?

Maybe it tells me exact exercise and diet to hit leet's say 15% bf and later take me to the fight club shape (open to a 12-18month commitment). Basically replace a daily on-demand personal coach??
@jake99901 No, there is no one app that is suitable to track it all sufficiently enough for those relevant metrics. It is a lot less work than a dexa scan and bloodwork every few weeks. Basically, get an app to track CICO and get a solid workout plan (neither have to be apps).

Start with CICO tracking. Check out r/cico
Next, get a slid workout plan, go 5 to 6 times a week to the gym if you want to get there in 12 to 18 months (not saying everyone needs to workout that frequent but given the wishes of OP that would be the quickest way to reach his goals given the timeframe)

Just forget about the bi-weekly check, use that time to exercise
@argem17 Ok sure.

Plus on the adherence of the plan?

Apart from pure will power, what else have you used to adhere to the plan of diet and workout?

How often do you miss them? Cheat on diet?

How do you course correct?
@jake99901 The simplest way is to just get started, please note, it should not be perfect, just consistent! Just start with CICO, track everything, ensure your in a deficiency and just get it going. During the journey you can always later optimize. Just track everything, even if you went to a bar and have 5 beers, just track them.

Work-out: same, tracking my progressive overload. That's why I use an app to keep track, it pushes me to add a bit every week on top of last weeks results. I started slowly, going 2 to 3 times a week to the gym. Now I go 6 days a week, following a solid program that gives me solid results. If you get to learn how to do the exercise appropriate, it is a lot of fun actually. Love strength/weight/power training!

I have "a lot" of cheat days, just ensure a higher deficient on the non-cheat days. I just restrict them to social events, so for things that I do alone, I try to keep my diet clean. When I going out for dinner I care less about it, and ensure I just don't go crazy (3000-3500kcal and not 5000kcal), why my normal TDEE is about 2500-2600 (maintenance). Next day I start healthy eating again...

Trust me, once you see the result, you'll be more enthusiastic. Once I lost about 5kg, I was in so much better space that I kept going. Same with work-out, the first I got to see my visible abs and having a nice looking chest was amazing. Just motivates to keep going. Also, my face become a lot better (I did not have a puffy face, but once I was lowering my bodyfat my face looked even better), so that all inspires to keep going.
@argem17 Ok solid
Yes I cheat when I am outside- its depressing to restrict myself in social settings

Ok lastly, I guess next target is 90kgs with caloric deficit and weight training.

And during this time if I want to reduce lower body (thighs and glutes) as you can see in dexa scan picture, anything unusual to be done?

3 times legs a week???

My biggest motivation would be to quickly reduce lower body fat and gain upper body muscle too.

That will make me super excited and motivated. Any secret for the above?
And during this time if I want to reduce lower body (thighs and glutes) as you can see in dexa scan picture, anything unusual to be done?

No, sorry, there is zero possibility of spot reduction. Working out specific muscles, does not make the local fat disappear (same as doing sit-ups does not give visible abs if they are still covered with a lot of fat on them)...

Getting thights and glutes in better shape is weight loss and muscle building in general therefore. To get them in better shape you'd have to lose more than 5 kg. It is good first step though and will help, but for your desired state you are more looking to being somewhere around 70 to 75kg.

Just get a solid workout program, for instance check out the Reddit PPL or 5/3/1 for beginners, those programs help a lot as their aimed at beginners and intermediate sporters, thus helping you to gain muscles as effective possible.

Just check-out: r/Fitness and the wiki there, all the info is there. The only thing to remember is there is no secret or special short cut, it is just a long term commitment requiring consistency and discipline. Sorry, can't make it easier than it is...
@jake99901 Stop looking for the easy way and get to work. It becomes easier once u are consistent with things. I don’t use apps to track calories but it’s been over 2 years since I started. Just get to work. Use Boostcamp to find a program and track your progress
@jake99901 Yeah man just pick a routine and get to work. Run the same routine for 6 months and adjust. The scale and mirror will tell u everything u need to know. Good luck. Progress becomes addicting
@argem17 yeah, dexa scans will get pricy really fast. i looked into them yesterday and they're over $100 each. I'd get my fat-free body weight and set up an excel spreadsheet that calculates BF% based on current weight. That's probably just as accurate, anyways.
@jake99901 I was basically you 10 years ago -- same age, similar height, but a little bit fatter (I was about 220 pounds). If you really want to lose weight and see results, consistency with diet and exercise is way more important than whose specific lifting program you're following. Some of us could probably give you science-based tweaks to specific programs, but unless you're already peaking, already strong, and already in the 12-15% body fat range or lower, you're rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.

Cut calories first and foremost. Find something you can stick with. Back in the day, I did every other day fasting, because compliance requires zero measuring, calculating, or time investment and only relies on strict will power. Maybe that works for you, or maybe you want to measure your calories every day and stick to a 350 calorie deficit (to lose about a pound a week, for instance). You can try keto if you really want to. It works for a lot of people. The bottom line is again consistency. You can get from your body to fight club with consistency and intensity, and the exact pathway you take barely matters.

Edit: If you want a tip on staying consistent, my tip would be to set an ironclad rule and always stick with it. My rule is: I workout at least 5 days a weak unless I have a fever. There are no exceptions. I have a busy schedule; I sometimes have shitty days; I sometimes really don't want to workout. But if you have a clear rule, it takes less will power because you don't wake up and make a decision (will I workout or not today?). You wake up and ask yourself whether you have a fever. If the answer is "no," then you workout.
@sdem2 Absolutely, abs are made in the kitchen. Love the clear rule. How do you track progress? Just look in the mirror? Weight? Calipers for fat percentage?
@mynamechef Mirror, weight, waist size, and lifting progression. It's free and you can measure it every day (keeping a running average is best practice, imo)!
@sdem2 So yeah, I love fitness. Been running and lifting consistently for about 7 years. I train 6 days a week. 2 strength, 6 runs. I eat only homecooked good food. But I eat a lot, and I stress eat. Thats why my weight is around 90 right now. Last time i dieted down it was around 80. I find the biggest problem for me is mental and changing my relationship with food.
@sdem2 Makes sense.

I think my mental circuit around consistency is through visibility on 'where I was', 'where I am' and this piece motivates me to keep chasing the 'where I want to go.'

I am not disciplined and break routines on whim. A clear tracker will be a forcing function to not miss the meal or the gym.

Secondly, I think I need to think about the fight club level optimisations after I hit 12-15% body fat, correct? Its an overkill right now, correct? @sdem2