Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

@siphosethu I feel you are intrinsically motivated and enjoy the fitness game a lot.

I feel its like a chore for me, but I am now super frustrated with my shape - I don't care about weight either - its the shape, that I want to change the first. lower body the most.
@jake99901 I went from 30% to 10% body fat over a couple years. It is all diet. I tried to hold a 500 calorie deficit a day for the 2 years I was losing weight. I just eyeballed it and made sure I saw the loss happening. I didn't even own a scale for the first year of my loss and still lost 20-30 pounds that year. And I used intermittent fasting to control my caloric intake. It wasn't fast but it taught me how to control my weight with diet alone. Here are my results if interested.

@jake99901 If you want to actually see the progress you've made so far, you need to lose like 20 pounds.

Anything else is going to take longer and be harder to see results. You want to be like Brad Pitt, cut in fight club shape, and what is stopping that is approximately 40 pounds of bodyfat.

You cannot get to where you want to go with a recomp.
@jake99901 Lift weights now and forever to build/maintain muscle, and cut weight in a slight deficit, somewhere in the 0.5 - 1 pound per week range.

Cardio is great also but you cannot get to where you want by doing it, you need to have a solid diet.

You will see the results of the weightlifting by losing as little as 10-15 pounds, but you will still be far from shredded.
@lanman87 I guess next target is 90kgs with caloric deficit and weight training.

And during this time if I want to reduce lower body (thighs and glutes) as you can see in dexa scan picture, anything unusual to be done? 3 times legs a week???
@jake99901 You can't choose where the fat your body uses comes from. You can choose where you want to focus to build muscle, but it's all balancing act, as you need to maintain the other parts of your body. Twice a week for your legs is fine.
@jake99901 Shape will mean weight changes. Not many people are going to get leaner and stay the same shape/weight. You referenced brad pit in fight club and you are nowhere near that in weight/shape/body fat percentage. You need to get yourself to a much lower body fat percentage before that kind of look is possible. If you want to be that shape/weight/body fat percentage, you will need to change your diet to get there. Lose the weight first then you can make your body look like whatever you want. Take it from a guy who is pushing 50 that you are 35 and things are about to start getting even harder to achieve if you don't make dietary changes.
@jake99901 You don't even really need to work out to lose the weight. That just happens because of a caloric deficit. A deficit of about 500 calories a day below your TDEE will get you to shed 1 pound a week in fat. Get your body fat lower and everything else becomes easier. Trying to outrun a bad diet is a young man's game. Middle age is just when all of that catches up with you. You can try and do it but it will just become harder as you age.
@jake99901 I’d encourage you to try something like CrossFit. Group fitness classes are where it’s at for the value. You have coaches interested in helping you reach your goals. You’re lifting and working out on a program. And you’re paying a fraction of the cost you would for a personal trainer.
@jake99901 We are the exact same height and weight and while I'm from Bangladesh and can't check bf% and such, we're probably about similar in bf%. I have lifted with no plans and no consistency and have never looked after my diet, which is tough given my life. I'm new to this community, have been trying to instill healthier habits over the past few months that i posted in a different thread, and I like to believe truly making it a lifestyle choice instead of an aesthetic goal is the best course of action.
@dreamharp I am motivated by shape change. Weight loss is not my goal - its a byproduct to my goal.

Do things that will change the shape. not interested in weight targets.