Ugh. Didn’t complete the scaled version and feel like a failure

@ilovejesus56129 I tell this to all of my members who feel like you did. The open is a time to test yourself, maybe you finish the workout, maybe you don't. In 24.1, I would tell people if you believe you can finish the 21 rep section with good form completely in 15 minutes then you should go RX.

Reasons why:
  1. You will build your confidence.
  2. If throughout the year you normally train with a 35lb weight (example male) and you do RX in 24.1, now you know during some workouts you should try and use the 50lb. Then next year if that movement comes up again you will likely do better.
The open is about testing yourself (unless you are a competitor). For the person who isn't thinking about competing this is the time to see what you are capable of. Especially if you have been holding yourself back throughout the year.

You didn't fail, you learned you are stronger and capable of so much more.
@ilovejesus56129 Dude it’s a good score. I barely finished at 14:27 (scaled) and I needed the coach to go drill sergeant on me to get there. There are many many who don’t even try. Take the score and keep your head held high for 24.2.
@ilovejesus56129 Monday might not show much progress, unless you went into it already sore, under hydrated, under fed. Don’t feel bad, there are so many people that are working towards your fitness level. Use this a a benchmark, try again in a few weeks. Takes time to adapt to new or harder training etc. But don’t get in your head and let it affect you negatively. Keep after it fam

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