Disappointed: weight loss didn’t equal bf% loss

So no, I don’t think exercise will change ur body fat percentage by default, and now I believe it’s more of the gene.

I don’t think this is accurate. Exercise, in particular strength training, can make a stark difference in your body fat percentage. You can weigh more with more muscle & yet have less body fat than someone who weighs less with less muscle (body recomposition). Anecdotally, this was 100% the case for me.
@calso I am sure you are right, and many research is suggesting the same. But really, in the end of the day, we live only once. So if I play 2 hours badminton that burns 800 calories per day, eat well, and still 33% BF rate, I am fine with it. I am not going to gym and do weight lifting just for the sake of gaining so called muscle. I mean, I do weigh lifting twice per week for like half an hour each, I can’t raise that to any more time. We have 24 hours per day, so what makes myself happy and die in whatever way.