Unconventional/overlooked glute builders for comatose (not just 'sleepy') booties!


New member
Despite exercising consistently for some time now I've been feeling as though my glute development was lagging. Instead of being discouraged that gyms are closed due to covid-19 I decided to get back to basics and really master activating and engaging my glute muscles so when I can get back to progressively overloading with weights I am doing so effectively. It's taken a lot of tinkering but I have made progress with some unconventional moves and only getting better. I figure this would be a great place for us to share what unconventional/overlooked moves have helped us to tap into our more hard-to-activate muscles. :) I'll start:
  • Placing a book on my lower back to keep my hips stable during bent knee kickbacks on the floor (previously would feel nothing in the weaker glute and now it activates immediately)
  • Captain Morgans!!!! Favorite move EVER for getting the glute med to fire. Never heard of these until doing some research on glute med exercises.
  • Exaggerating the eccentric portion vs getting discouraged at not getting strong concentric contractions. I picture loading the muscle like a spring during the eccentric and then powering up/out. I get a great burn on lunges with this method
  • Glute marches! Love these as well and I feel as though no one ever talks about them
  • Glute bridges: lifting my toes literally as far as they can go (as if I'm trying to touch them to my shins vs simply lifting them), thinking of pulling my heels back to my glutes and forcing knees over my toes (make sure your shoes have good tread so you don't actually go anywhere), and trying to "scoop" my hips towards my forehead (to ensure posterior pelvic tilt)
  • Superman bird dog. This is SUPER challenging so don't get discouraged if you can't even lift your leg off the ground but it is ALL glute max baby:
  • Slapping, poking, and literally talking to/at them lol
  • Positive mindset. You definitely have a glute max/med/min muscle and if you have the muscle, you CAN grow it. Even if you aren't feeling it right now. Stay positive and keep working!!
I have long leverages so I want to experiment with negatives next. :) Are there any unusual cues/tips/moves that you use to get stubborn muscles to start working?
@reborninfire Keep practicing! It is an advanced/challenging exercise, more mental than anything. Focus on squeezing as best as you can, even if you can't get the leg off the ground. I couldn't pick mine up AT ALL but I kept at it. Change your goal to feeling your glutes vs getting off the ground and with time, it will come. :)
@babyfacedave Just needed to stop by and say thank you!! I tried (didn't even do specific sets or reps) the Captain Morgan and Superdog (yup, couldn't lift my leg). My glutes are sore AF today. Wow! Can't wait to keep working these exercises and get better at them.
@babyfacedave Wow you deserve to be paid for this! I have SI issues because of a very dormant left glute due to scoliosis and I woke up and did this and feel like a different person! My body naturally squats straight, vs dumping weight to the right. I have spent so much time and money on PT and all I needed was this post!!!!
I can do single leg deadlifts without falling! I'm going to demand my PT send me back all the money I paid hahah. I'm so excited that my glute workouts are going to be effective again so I can heal this injury.