Update: It’s been 8 days and I’m still at it!(100 swings)


New member
Just wanted to update those who care that I haven’t stopped! I see a slight difference in my arms already and also a difference in my posture. This has been really fun and i am glad i got into kettlebells. My goals are to strengthen my core and also my glutes. I know my core is weak because of my balance being terrible. I tried to windmill and almost fell into my mirror LMAO.

Will sticking to just swings for a bit increase my core strength? I plan on adding 100 more swings every week but I’m wondering is that even proper progressive overload?
@dkeefe If you are going to stick with swings for a while, buying an adjustable kettlebell might be a good investment. You could increase the reps but if you're already knocking out 100 everyday without a problem it's probably time to jump up in weight.
@belovedsone I thought I responded to your comment, I’m so sorry. What companies do you recommend getting an adjustable kettlebell from? I don’t wanna spend money on something that won’t hold up
@dkeefe I actually don't own one, but I've seen others recommend this. When I first started I focused mainly on swings like you are, but I didn't know about adjustables and bought a ton of bells from 16 to 32 kg.

They didn't go to waste, as I moved on to other exercises, but it would have been nice to own an adjustable for that first year.
@dkeefe Swings are great for your core. Keep up the good work.

Maybe it's nice to try out some additional exercises, like death lift, kettlebell row, (goblet) squats

You'll probably feel stronger and more fit by the week.

Prob you like a bit heavier bell a few weeks from now, like 16 or 18kg. Or an adjustable one.

Working your core and legs are great to get in shape. Because you're doing a lot, it's cardio training as well. And with bigger muscles your resting metabolism increases 💪
@dkeefe I'm also a noob but to me this sounds like a good place to start! Right before the pandemic I got really into watching Mark Wildman on my night shifts and started bringing a kettlebell to work for little workouts to wake me back up at 4 am. I would do a 10 minute EMOM with swings. I worked up from 10 at the top of every minute to 20 with a 20lb bell and then bought a 31lb bell to start doing it with more weight. And then my dad died and I really fell off the wagon hard.

You will notice improvements in your general fitness and core strength, I did. And I wasn't all that consistent about it either, a few times a week. Definitely not every day.
@cozicup My condolences. That’s good to hear that even though you weren’t kettlebelling(is that even a term that’s used? Lol) everyday that you still saw improvements. Did you ever pick it back up?
@dkeefe I did start with kettlebells again recently. I've been doing dumbbell stuff for the past year and started adding swings one day a week for cardio, but switching back to primary kettlebell work is kicking my butt in the best way.