Walkers in the house!!!!

@oseas Lol. Whereas running about five miles makes me feel great, but a long trail run makes me feel murderous.

Could be a work capacity thing. I am a long-term backpacker and day hiker and performer of manual labor tasks. I'm used to very long, relatively low load but repetitive physical activities. 15-20 miles a day for a week-long trip, for example. Shoveling 4 truckloads of compost, as another example.

Could also be caffeine levels. I'm sipping on 4 or 5 shots of espresso on the way back, man. That's a lot of go juice!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Walking drastically improves my happiness and mood, plus it gives me lots of time to listen to LaVar Burton read me short stories on his podcast. It's also definitely helped me maintain my weight (and lose like two pounds) despite stuffing my face with all the quarantine snacks I bought.

Sadly last week I broke my foot during a Benadryl-induced sleep terror so now I'm stuck at home hobbling around while the weather slowly turns amazing.
@mindanalyzer For sleep have you tried amitriptyline? It’s prescribed by your doctor. It’s non drowsy it just tells your brain to stop freaking out. It keeps me from have nightmares & sleep paralysis. I don’t know about night terrors but it might help.

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, just someone with sleep issues 😅
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I used to walk as my only form of exercise and honestly for me it was just a way to burn calories. My weight went down but appearance wise I saw no difference other than muscle loss. I don't think you will yield any changes in your appearance from walking alone. However walking is a HUGE stress relief for me. It really helps to calm down my anxiety more than anything. If your not trying to drastically change your weight or composition walking is a great option.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I take 1-2 one-hour walks a day to get away from the computer. Two walks on the days I don’t run, one walk on the days I do. I have SAD and sunlight helps my mood incredibly. It’s such a stark difference between winter to spring for me. I also have ADHD and struggle with just SITTING and working on things. Scheduling my walks and workouts helps me to get back on task afterwards and burns off the nervous energy.

I play a lot of Pokémon Go, too.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I'm walking my dog 3-5 miles a day which usually takes about an hour and occasionally I'll run/jog a mile or two of those. It's definitely nice to get fresh air and sun and really makes me feel grounded and calmer. Hopefully after SIP I can get fitted for some running shoes because I feel like my current ones aren't good for my knees and hips.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Jogging makes me hungry! Walking keeps my appetite normal. If I feel sick or nauseous (that time of the month you know) it’s a great way to get exercise and not feel guilty about not exercising or feeling like I’m killing myself.

My grocery store is about a 10 minute drive away, 30 minute walk. After lots of walking for a year it’s more like a 15-20 minute walk.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Fyi: I walk to a drivethru coffee shop that started using a nationwide app called Joe. I order/pay for/tip for my coffee thru the app about 5 minutes out. They hand out my drink, we don't touch, we smile and say hi, I walk back to my house while sipping--guilt-free.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly loool. evaluating the fluid in/fluid out conundrum during quarantine is a challenge. I don't drink
water before I set out, so I come back home dehydrated but without incident. Necessitates immediate downing of a quart of water afterwards, though.
@richardparker I legit step off the path into the woods and use them as my toilet. I'm on 4x the recommended antihistamine dose + prescription allergy meds for my spring pollen dysfunction (lol), and if I'm not taking down a gallon a day at minimum, I'm at a risk for dangerous dehydration. I choose paths that are not well trafficked to begin with for social distancing reasons, so I have yet to get caught, walked up on, or in any trouble for it. Oop.
@richardparker On my long run this past weekend, I realized just how much I'd relied on the water fountains along my usual route - obviously shut off due to the pandemic. Had to stop at a grocery store for an emergency bottle of water halfway through!