Was it dangerous to bail out of my squat with my hair like this? (See image)

  1. Your hair doesn’t look long enough to get caught and 2. It is NEVER okay for a stranger to touch you without permission unless it’s some sort of emergency, much less touch your NECK, which is a really… vulnerable and personal place to touch someone. It’s not like he touched your arm.
I’m sorry that happened to you, please don’t let him get in your head.
@johnmarsten You’re fine there is no way that your hair is getting caught in a way that it would be dangerous to you. Keep doing your thing and ignore the guy. He just wanted a reason to walk over and assert himself by touching your neck.
@johnmarsten It probably has to do more with the fact that he was the only one who came up and said anything. The girls at the gym probably know as much as that guy if not more and told you it was a good bail. Next time that happens just kindly tell him thanks and walk away. Also if he touches you say please don’t touch me that should get the message across to him. :)
@dawn16 Yeah, the girl I was sharing a bar with is pregnant and has really long hair in a loose pony totally covering the bar, but no one felt it necessary to say anything to her, only me after seeing me bail. Felt like it wasn’t really about a real concern, but an opportunity to but in to assert more knowledge on a move I did completely fine.
@johnmarsten I’ve had it happen with the baby hairs on the base of my neck.

It wasn’t dangerous though. It just felt like I ripped a couple of hairs out of the base of my neck.

Mom did way worse brushing my hair as a kid.

But he was trying to flirt with the whole touching thing. Kind of gross though.
@fridil I hope not, and he was just having a dumb “I know more than you” moment because we are both married and his wife is gorgeous. He can back the fuck up. (I’ve known this guy for many years on a coworker level.)
@johnmarsten Respectfully, what hair is going to get caught?? Your hair is far too short for that concern. Guy is way off and has no idea what he's talking about. It is a thing, but not with anything close to your hair length
@zacjesus I’m still bristling about it. I normally get along real well with this guy, but he’s on my shitlist for a bit. I don’t even really love my husband touching my neck.
@johnmarsten yeah the guy is probably off-base.

my hair is similar and the hair falling out of my bun/ponytail bothers me so I use bobby pins and/or a headband to keep it off my neck. but if it doesn't bother you then you'll probably be fine doing what you've been doing.
@johnmarsten Fume away!!! First, your hair was no danger, but SECOND - he TOUCHED your neck?! Why? He couldn't talk about hair without touching you??? Eff that; you deserve to fume! (But then try to move on, because he's not worth the time - unless you have to see him again. Then, you can come up with a short, but firm response.)

Edited for clarity, because I ranted a little :)