We created an app for the Recommended Routine and we want to share it with the community

@arniep It's just called bodyweightfitness. It's open source actually and prolly not owned by Antranik. Just usess Antranik's videos and routine. But yours is much better actually! Except I didn't see the warmup section in yours. Only the strength work
@dawn16 Thanks! Didn’t put the warmup because by the time we started working on the app we knew it by hard :) But we will add it soon. It in out top priority
@arniep I see you released it for both platforms, iOS and Android.

Are those "native" apps or did you use some kind of multi-platform framework like Cordova or Ionic?
@arniep Hello I want to Ask if u can make 3 days routine not just one SO it would be like Day 1 :ROUTINE.. DAY2/ROUTINE... DAY3/ ROUTINE ... And an ability to change some places of the exercices So for exemple from Set 1 : Pull ups and assisted squats Set2:parallel bar support hold Ican make It set 1: parallel bar support hold and set 2: pull ups + 1LAST THING if I can Add an exercice other than the one in the RR Even Just the name
@brenda222 We are definitely thinking about routine customization. But please don’t expect it too soon since for now we are focused on polishing RR as it is and we are working on it on our spare time. Thanks :)
@arniep After choosing my routine and starting, the app remains frozen on a white screen with the logo at the centre. I have Galaxy S7, with the latest software update. Is my phone too old and not supported? :( Restarting the app, I get the routine screen again, and choosing to start the routine tells me I have workout in progress and resuming it gives me the same white screen as before.

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