We created an app for the Recommended Routine and we want to share it with the community

@arniep Great app, but sometimes when I log a number of repeats, it records a lower number. For example I logged 16 seconds of tuck front lever and 15 pushups respectively on one set, but it recorded 15 and 14 respectively. Also after the "ping" sound followimg a rest it lowers the volume on my music. Seriously though I'm going to keep using this, way better than notepad hahah
@ok2000 Thank you!

And thanks for noticing. We dealt with it just recently and forgot to update android with the fix. I think it is reproducible for all static exercises atm, will update soon!
@arniep Really liked it!! However it would be could if you can also include the muscles that are being worked on each exercise. However this is really complete. Gotta love the progression charts 🤩
@arniep For example I don't have a bench or a fitting replacement to start doing Copenhagen Plank progression or a resistance band for Banded Pallof Press for Anti-Rotation progression so for now I've decided to learn L-sit position on a pull up bar (would be awesome if you could recommend an exercise or maybe a progression for Anti-Rotation :))

Renaming exercises would a great quality of life update if someone made a replacement in their routine so they see what they are doing and not what they were originally supposed to do

My english is quite bad, sorry if my idea is still not clear. I can try rephrasing
@arniep My app produces audio cues to do a series of exercises, so exercises have names attached to them for text-to-speech feature, as well as a video of the movement for each exercise, which I spent enormous amount of time to record and edit.

HOWEVER, when I presented the app to some basketball coaching stuff what they asked first was if they can make their own exercises and videos. Every single coach, first question.

It was very clear to me that a standard in sports is not a thing at the moment. It's all about personalisation and everyone seems to want different.

So I provided the custom library. They can enter all exercise features except the video.

I was collecting custom videos for a while end was including them in updates. It turned out to be complicated and unnecessary to have videos for personal exercises.

Hope this helps.
@ggg17 Yes, I can see your point. Even I make some customizations to my routine. This is why we think of adding this feature in the future. Expanding library is a bit trickier though
@arniep Personally I think is unnecessary and I mentally make changes. I couldn't care less if the name if different. lol.
But people seem to have problem with that.

I used Dynamic List for expanding library. And personal library is local and not affected by updates.
@arniep I love this app. Have been using it for couple of months on iPhone. Now I have upgraded my phone to iPhone 15 and am facing some difficultly in accessing buttons on top of the screen. They are hidden behind battery and time. So unable to navigate the app. Do let me know if there is a solution to it ?
@arniep I tried all the Android apps that were linked from the RR page and this one was the obvious winner. It's really great. Are you still working on it? If yes, I have a couple of things I would like to see.
  1. Can I edit the previous exercise during my workout? I accidentally skipped a set today and I can't figure out how to go back (during the workout) and fix it. Is that possible? Generally, it would be nice to be able to toggle between an overview of the workout and the screen for the exercise I'm doing.
  2. This one is just me dreaming. Could there be a progress view for each exercise? Maybe somewhat similar to stronglifts?
  3. The alarm often fails to ding when the screen is off. Now that I know this, I just make sure the screen is on, but it would be nice if I could put my phone in my pocket.
OK, that said, thanks so much for making this app. It rocks.

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