@paparazi257 TL:dr Have any of you reading this, switched from a strength sport to bodybuilding?
I know there are already a bazillion threads on 'how to switch from powerlifting/strongman/competitive sharting' threads but they're all old enough to be archived.
I'm a powerlifter with strongman tendencies, 2 Novembers ago I partially tore my meniscus in my right knee. Probably 85% of the time the last week of a training cycle will leave my knee in mild discomfort for 2-3 weeks after, like right now. After a lot of thought I'm mostly at the decision that it is time to quit squatting heavy. I also sleep for shit nights after deadlifting heavy and those heaviest sets towards the end of a cycle, combined with having had pneumonia multiple times as a child, can leave me unable to get back to normal breathing for tens of minutes after on weeks like this one where there have been air quality alerts
My gym time is my me time, it's that time where no one is demanding my attention and I can just zone out. I love being the strongest person at work, at Church, most places I go that aren't competitions/gyms. I do NOT love that my blood pressure is in stroke territory, that I'm always hungry and morbidly obese by
any measurement, that I can't see my dick standing up.
Have any of you reading this, switched from a strength sport to bodybuilding? I'm not interested in a competitive level, I'm never going to be anywhere near that, but I think transitioning is going to be better for my overall health and lower my injury risk rate some.
If so, I'd love to ask some general questions, I can only take so much from hit and run answers on locked threads.