Weekly Question Thread - Week of 8/5/2019

@biblebeliever70 One is a whey and one is a mix of multiple protein sources, usually a whey/casein blend. Neither is gonna be particularly better.

I'd find a different company all together, as I don't trust MusclePharm after their protein spiking lawsuit a couple years ago.
@paparazi257 Does anyone know how the bio-impedance based scales actually measure fat loss? I’ve lost about 20lbs, per the scale 4lbs out of that (20%) is lean mass.

My waist is down 2”, bicep (cold) still measures the same. I’ve kept protein intake pretty high throughout. This makes me think I haven’t lost any lean tissue.

If the scale is using a formula instead of purely going of the bio impedance then maybe it’s wrong?
@eliyahu777 Worth the quick read - The Pitfalls of Bodyfat “Measurement”, Part 4: Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA)

BIA is horribly inaccurate and best avoided all together. In fact, most attempts to "measure" bodyfat are best ignored.

Also, keep in mind LBM does not equal muscle. LBM is everything in your body that's not fat mass - water, glycogen, bone, skin, blood, organs etc. In a deficit LBM is likely to decrease and it does not necessarily mean muscle was lost.
@micah111 I wouldn't say BIA should be avoided. While it's not going to give you an accurate measurement of current BF %, if you're consistent on food and water intake, it can definitely help you see trends.
@sfk33 Depends sometimes binging is good sometimes it's not - all depends on your goals.

If you're like me , you're appetite isn't great to begin with. Begin a regiment where you lift first thing in the morning and stay hydrated throughout the day- kick starts your appetite.

Find food you ENJOY eating. Yeah it can be repetitive but when I bulk chicken and rice burritos we're still nice everyday.

If you're not hungry or you want to shores an appetite drink a fat protein shake with milk- you'll feel full after. The most important thing is being mindful of your goals ( gain or loss) and treat it like a job , because , well it is.

Lastly, if you're a caffeine fiend , try limiting intake as it curbs appetite severely ( for me at least). I found that preworkout or coffee pre gym get me through the day.
@saved26 This is really valuable thank you. I realized I’ve been working out like normal but adding stuff to it- long bike rides, construction project on my home. I’m also not drinking a full gallon each day.

I also just hit my most recent goal (completing a 6 week program)

Today I feel better about things and will go after it,

It’s just that one “slip” leads to several more.
@sfk33 Congrats ! The best piece of advice I have for that is to never forget why you started and to be better than you were yesterday . I've been there a lot with injuries but don't get discouraged !