What’s a go to longer zone 2 conditioning workout

@elane I don’t agree with this. One major aspect of long format workouts is they necessitate mental fortitude to continue with a monotone workout for progressively longer periods of time. If you go to run a marathon you don’t get to stop every 5 minutes to do other shit. If you can’t sit on a rower for a hour. Do it for 20min. Then 21. Then 22. Until 15-20k rows can be done at zone 2. This mental toughness will transfer to other workouts. The cardiovascular adaptation that occurs will also benefit longer metcons.

The other reason that this isn’t the best advice relating to zone 2 training is that doing 80% of a 1 rep max for just about anything is going to spike your HR. Doing 12 DB snatches at any useful weight is going to spike your HR. It will push you out of zone 2. Why waste your time doing these other things when you are trying to reap the benefit of longer lower intensity workouts.
@chibisensei21 Aside from all the great suggestions for Erg work, steady state cardio, here is a structure for more Crossfit-y workouts that I’ve done recently with this goal in mind

10 cal row
10 Am KBS #53
30 Dubs
10 weighted box step ups #50 (24 in)
1 RMU + 3 Strict HSPU

Work to rest in each round averages out to 1:1. Worked pretty well to stay in Zone 2 for probably 30 minutes. Key is to find that lower intensity work ratio and not exceed that in the early part of the workout