What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

@bkrolex This is more niche, but for the snatch, the one truly transformative cue for me was to stay over the bar as long as humanly possible. Almost entirely fixed my struggles to drop under the bar. If I focus on that + hitting full extension, most of the other stuff works itself out well enough.
@chris210 Might want to work on turnover too! While my coach will always tell me to stay over the bar more, another thing that is currently really helping is being super aggressive with my arms. I warm up with muscle snatches now and try to punch as hard as I can.
@bkrolex To help avoid a butt wink, you pretend like you’re trying to show someone your belt when you’re at the bottom of the squat. Makes you brace your core out vs doing that suck in and down sort of thing
@rcpolk Like imagine your wearing a belt with big buckle. While you’re at the bottom of your squat, you should be bracing your core out so someone could hypothetically see your buckle. Vs the other way where you kind of tuck your stomach into itself and that area of your hips is concealed. Once I started doing that I noticed immediately how much I wasn’t engaging my core regularly. Hope it helps but might not be a good cue for everyone!
@bkrolex How to brace your core. Pretend you’re about to be punched in the stomach and flex your abs AS HARD AS POSSIBLE. Everything feels lighter when your core is braced.
@farmerdex Okay but that means I'm holding my breath, as soon as I start breathing again my core gets loose. I can't figure out how to brace and breath at the same time!
@linlishan It's fine to hold your breath but possible to keep breathing. Practice while not lifting. Flex your abs a little and breath in and out. Gradually flex harder while breathing.
Pretend you’re about to be punched in the stomach and flex your abs AS HARD AS POSSIBLE.

This is embarrassing to say but it took me ages to understand this cue. I've never been punched in the stomach, nor had I thought about how I'd react, so I didn't know what it meant. It's just not a reflex I was born with.

If anybody else doesn't understand - it means take a breath and push out your stomach muscles.