What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

@kmman Pre workout (need the kick at 4:30 am). Once I finish that, then it’s plain water, then after I finish lifting, I add a scoop of BCAAs and drink that during my cardio.
@kmman maltodextrin. (intra-workout supplement) it's basically sugar for the muscles. im caffeine-sensitive, so i cant take any energy boosting supplements. regular sugar actually drains + dehydrates me. for some reason, maltodextrin pumps me up! so i consider that to be my "energy" workout mix lol
@hopelesslyarminian ya that's probably fake news 😂 But that's how it feels for me. It goes straight into making me feel like I want to break brick walls

My muscles just want to feel themselves and I don't care what else I feel, pain, cuts, bleeding or whatever. They just want to Go
@kmman For me it’s water. Almost always water.

Rare occasion and if I don’t have enough carbs for the day I’ll treat myself with a Gatorade.

Don’t overthink intraworkout nutrition. No offense, but you’re not advanced enough to care about such things.

Maybe carbs if you’re short
Creatine I’m any of those is also fine.

Any of those are fine. Nearly everything else is snake oil.
@kmman Water, bro.

Time is better spent doing work, not trying to reinvent the wheel.

Humans require hydration (water) and fuel (food), anything else is just a distraction! For those pushing the limits, some food boosters (extra protein, extra creatine, couple key micronutrients) can be helpful, but even that is just icing.

The cake is hard work + water + sleep + food = results.