What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight


New member
I am around 280 and want to get down near 220 because I work for a fire department. For the last month all I drank was water and I think lost a pound or 2 I’m wondering if there is anyway to speed it up? I forgot to mention I lift weight three times a week at the station.
@dojoloach I was at 400lbs when I started. I set a goal to walk 100 miles. It took 36 days but that's what started it for me. Eating less and drinking more water. That was almost 3 years ago. I'm at 235 now and I've been going to the gym for roughly 3 months now. Learning to weightlift. Trying my best to hit the protein goal but it's hard. I work outdoors doing plumbing water and sewer line replacements, so that definitely keeps me active. It's a long process, but it was roughly 2-3 lbs a week to lose weight.
@abubokhale Thanks, it's been a crazy ride so far. Sometimes I bug out remembering I went from size 50 pants and 4XL shirts to 36 pants and L shirts. Even my feet look different.
@dojoloach I have recently lost 25 pounds because of some health concerns and what worked for me was a very strict Mediterranean diet, I got more serious about going to the gym on a regular basis initially a mix of machine, weights, and cardio and lately I’ve been doing free weights (I’m currently doing a 5-3-1 workout)
I cut my portions way back and understood that I would feel a little bit hungry most of the time
The weight loss came over about six months, I started at 183. I am now 157 and I stand about 5 foot four.
The Mediterranean diet is basically protein through chicken and fish, a lot of veggies and carbs should be low on the glycemic index. So whole wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa what I have been doing.
More legumes too
@3rdeye I'm sorry, horses?

Should I be buying horse meat? I've had it once, it's pretty good, but not really available where I live lol

Edit: OOH I think it's supposed to be carbs, hense the list of good carbs afterword. Lololol
@dojoloach On Jan 3 I was weighing 305lbs. Today I hit the scales at 270lbs. I have not been to the gym at all, but I did cut out sugars and sodas, breads, and pasta. I try to get 25-30g of protein in the am and around 25g at lunch. And another 25g or so at dinner. I will have fruit and nuts through the day to snack on. And I drink water, sometimes with crystal-lite flavor packets. My LDL has dropped over 40points and my blood pressures have come down a lot.
@texasrocker23 Amphetamines are stimulant drugs that can suppress appetite and increase metabolism. They work by affecting certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which play a role in regulating hunger and metabolism. When someone takes amphetamines, they may experience decreased feelings of hunger and an increase in energy expenditure, which can lead to weight loss over time.

However, it's important to note that using amphetamines for weight loss is not safe or recommended. These drugs can have serious side effects and health risks, including addiction, cardiovascular issues, psychiatric problems, and even death. Additionally, any weight loss achieved while using amphetamines is often temporary and can be regained once the drug is no longer used. Therefore, it's essential to seek safe and healthy methods for managing weight, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and consulting with healthcare professionals.
@bossyboots Also undesirable option: orthodontic/orthognathic surgery. Easy deficit when eating becomes too painful or next to impossible :) Even snacking isn't worth the effort when you have stitches and braces in your mouth.