What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

@dojoloach Start counting your Calories. It sucks ass but it helps big time. High protein foods low in fat. Not by any means a sales rep for this but check out built with science on YouTube by Jeremy Ethier. I don’t like any fitness “guru” or “influencer” but this guys program helped me lose close to 10 pounds in about a month and maintain the current weight I’m on. This is with just changing my eating habits and minor home workouts
@newscctv Honestly, with an app counting calories is pretty easy. I use the myfitnesspal app and after a while realized i mostly eat the same things. And if I don't log a meal it gives me a reminder. Pretty much every day I forget to log in my breakfast and while I am eating lunch see the notification and just log my breakfast and lunch at the same time.
@jangja I have MyFitnessPal too. What makes it tough though is the eating out aspect of it. You can weigh your food at home but you can’t when you’re going out to eat. Gotta just assume the weight when you do. It’s a great app though. It helped me realize I was eating a lot of high fat foods with not enough protein and even with low calorie foods I still wasn’t getting enough protein. It helped me switch things up and start looking for cleaner leaner foods and making me plate my meals better with more protein
@newscctv It depends on the restaurant. Big chains are almost always in there. It's the more local stuff that is hit and miss. But, for me, I stopped eating out so much so it wasn't a problem.
@jangja That’s another thing it helped me do. I only eat out maybe 1-2x a week for work lunch when I don’t pack anything because of them not having many options of where I eat out from. I try to get healthier lunches from places and since I’m in NYC there a ton to choose from that unfortunately aren’t on the app. But when it comes to those meals I just estimate what I think are my macros for the meal
@dojoloach You don't want to go too fast.

Losing 1-2lbs a week is solid progress. I wouldn't want to exceed around 1% of your bodyweight per week else you're really risking muscle loss, and, depending on your TDEE, it could mean you're eating too little to hit your nutritional goals (ie, getting enough protein and fats in and still having some veggies/fruits for micronutrients and fiber)


Drinking water instead of drinks with calories is a great start
@mommajulesberry Someone recommended that I try to eat 200g/Day of clean protein since I'm at 235lbs. He said something like "try to eat your own weight number but in grams" Its super hard to hit that goal. I'm going to the gym 4 days a week to lift weights. Mon/Tue - Thur/Fri. Chest, back, chest, legs. Rest Wed and weekends. I'm 6'1". This is all new to me but what do u think? Does that protein intake seem straight?
@uthoko 1g/lb a nice ideal target. it can help with hunger and will probably build incrementally more muscle than 0.7-0.8/lb. it probably isnt an effect size you will worry about unless you are super dead set on becoming a neurotic semi-optimizer like me and spending 5+ years approaching your maximum drugfree muscular size potential. it is also something that will pale in comparison to half decent programming and sleeping more
@uthoko Do heavy legs for the first workout of the week. That gets the ball rolling. Work in squats and go heavy, something you can do 8-10 times. Chicken, turkey, rice sweet potatoes, salads and fruits.
@lilopatt Okay. I think I can try and change it up. And I think I can buy and cook those things okay enough. I was just telling my sister yesterday that I wanted to make a salad this week.