What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?

@ahunbleservant I started in 2007 at CrossFit One World. Freddy C did the programming and it evolved into such a great system. If you can find his old typepad website you’ll see some great workouts.
@ahunbleservant Did CrossFit for about 6yrs. Linchpin was the programming I thought was closest to "OG" status. I mean, Pat is an "OG" so it makes sense. Great online community as well. I miss that part about the most.
@ahunbleservant Just regular ol' commercial gym stuff. It's actually at a physical therapy center. I have gravitated to using the machines more than free weights with the exception of some bench & squat. I'd still do Linchpin if I was physically able.
@ahunbleservant There were a few classic programs from a ways back. I’m not sure what you can still find on them but crossfit football was a thing. I think it morphed into power athlete…something. I know you can find the program if you search. OPT Big Dogs was pretty popular for a bit I would say it was one of the more intelligent programs but maybe not great for an affiliate. There was Outlaw but that was also geared towards the competitive athlete. NCFit was (is?) Khalipa’s programming. I did that for a while and really liked it. If you can find the early days of Crossfit New England, that’s what comptrain was based off of and was pretty classic crossfit in the era of about 2010-2014.
@farmerdex I had a totally different experience with NCFit - I just found it to be incredibly boring. I think my box used it because it was one of the cheaper options but thankfully they only ran it for about a year