What’s the shortest time span you’ve made a progression from a beginner move an to intermediate or advanced move?

@shelbycmr Went from a tuck front lever hold to holding an almost full straddle FL in a few months (only a few seconds for the harder hold). Also went from sloppy muscle ups to higher rep, cleaner muscle ups in the same time span. Height: 5’10” Weight: 150 pounds
@shelbycmr I lost weight over the last 2 years and got to a point where I wanted to start at the Gym, the first day at the Gym I thought I would try a pushup, couldn't even do 1, fell to the floor, got up and tried again and same again just couldn't push myself up...But after 30 days of going to the Gym every other day I tried again and did 20 in 1 set, blew my mind.
@fellegvari Day 1, I could only do 5 regular (Reg) Pushups max
I mainly do a set of pushups, immediately reducing difficulty as I reach technical failure.

- 4 Explosive Push-ups
- 5 Deep Push-Ups
- 6 Reg Push-ups
- 9 Knee Push-ups
That’s all one set

Helps A LOT for building strength/volume. Now, I’m doing 15 explosive pushups and 27 Reg. Pushups
@shelbycmr If you are close to deadline, I would do a back lever but suspend a black resistance band that you could hide against a black wall for example or with creative camera angles. Then squeeze the knotted resistance band between your legs and use it for assistance for a straight back lever.

This is obviously not a true intermediate skill but if you are stuck at advanced tuck or straddle, you could film this idea?
@elsamelodyxd That’s a pretty clever idea, I only thought about leaving my feet out of the shot entirely. I’m filming it in my basement with the spotlight of a torch on me, so if the light cuts off around the edges of my feet this move might just appear legit! Thanks
@shelbycmr Just fyi: if you have done and watched enough calisthenics stuff, you can usually instantly tell if someone is using like hidden bands and such, minor angles and muscle work in the body will be all wrong.
@williamt The video will only be shown to my teachers at the end of the module, but this is also important to know because I wouldn’t want to get dragged for cheating if I did post the video on YouTube. Especially because I do want to create a fitness oriented YouTube channel in the future and that would be one surefire way to sully my reputation.
@shelbycmr I went from first ever back lever practice to a full back lever for 10 seconds in 4 weeks; BUT I had been Olympic lifting for years so my posterior chain was already really strong. Still can't front lever yet two years later
@bfastpool It comes slowly, I've found doing lots of controlled and slow tuck raises and skin the cats help a lot. Currently at one leg extended for about 6 seconds
@bfastpool I will also recommend drilling tuck raises (or negatives) and skin the cats. It took me a year, but those were the main things I did to achieve a front lever. Back lever I got for free from other things.