@austinsugden I have found my best approach isn't to have a routine, per se, but more of have a couple of things in the chamber depending on how I feel.
Feeling good and energetic and limber? Just light, explosive versions of my main lift, usually going up by 25 and 45 lb plates on each side until I get close to the working weight.
If a weight feels off or sluggish, I will repeat it a handful of times.
Feeling stiff? Dead hangs. Body weight deep squat hold. DeFranco's Agile 8. Wendler recommends jumps or throws to be explosive and wake everything up. Skipping rope. Kettle swings, cleans, or snatches.
Want to sweat and get some additional volume in? Bodyweight circuits. Set a 5-10 minute timer, pick an appropriate rep number for you and bodyweight squats and/or reverse lunges, chin-ups, pushups, and band pull aparts. When getting up from the pushup, jump up. Don't slowly crawl up. You sweat. You get a little extra volume. The exercise and change in elevation increase heart rate.