What’s your preferred warm up routine?

@austinsugden The best warmup for anything is to do that thing at lower intensity. If you’re starting with bench press, do a nice slow set of 10 reps with half of your working weight. Do this again when you change muscle groups.
@austinsugden I have to warm up on the elliptical for about 5 mins then do a series of upper body mobility movements. I try and get some lying twists in too. I’m managing a shoulder problem, so I focus on that.
@austinsugden I like to do a few stretches and just move around a bit — if I feel particularly stiff I may do 5 mins of light cardio — but mainly I do a set or two of each exercise I’m doing at 50% before doing it.

That not only warms up the muscle but it’ll tell me if something is pulled or hurt before I throw a major weight on the muscle.
@austinsugden I do 10-min of yoga before every workout. And then like others have said, and especially before the big compound lifts, I start with a lighter weight and work up to my working sets for the session.
@austinsugden 60 seconds in a deep goblet squat w a moderate kettlebell. Some arm circles, swing my arms across my body (whatever that’s called), maybe some wrist circles. Sometimes I swing my legs back and forth(whatever that’s called). A snappy set of KB swings to get my blood moving. Some days I do the warm up from Simple and Sinister: a circuit of 5 sets of a) goblet squat w kb bicep curls at the bottom, kb halo and kb hip thrusts w no rest. Whatever I do, it’s never more than 5 min tops.
@austinsugden I like a bit of a wee circuit thing doing -

KB upright rows (16kgs) and goblet squats (12.5kgs) focusing on getting nice and deep with my squats. Do some stretches of the old legs.

If I’m feeling particularly sadistic I make me and my OH go on the ski for 60 second bursts. On those mornings, I think I see genuine hatred in his eyes for me 😃
@austinsugden If I’m doing legs, or a full body routine including legs, I usually do a little additional active stretching and then do my standard couple sets of light weight warm up sets before jumping in. If legs aren’t included, I just do a few sets of light weights of that exercise.
@austinsugden For upper body, I do a quick 5 min walk just to get moving a bit. Then I do a set at 50%, 75% and a rep or two at like 85-90% working weight, then a few gentle arm/shoulder circles staying out to the side. Then good to go.

For lower body, 5 min walk, a minute or two jog, then some VERY light static stretching and then some dynamic stretching like walk and leg straight up and touch. Then I do a couple minutes at a fast jog/run. Then I do the workout whether it's with weights or a sprint session this same warm up works for me. Also do the 50/75/90 warm up for weights.

I know you didn't ask but for cool down I do a minute or so slow jog, then 5 min walk and then moderate static stretching. I've noticed my legs recover so much better with this warm up cool down combo.
@miller77 I'm finding I need to add kettlebell swings more and more now I'm 50 and train in a morning, also dynamic stretching to wake up my hips, knees and shoulders.
@austinsugden Banded shoulder dislocations, Shouldërok swings, then either kettlebell swings or goblet squats depending on what I’m doing that day. Takes less than ten minutes and it’s worked quite well for me so far.
@austinsugden I have found my best approach isn't to have a routine, per se, but more of have a couple of things in the chamber depending on how I feel.

Feeling good and energetic and limber? Just light, explosive versions of my main lift, usually going up by 25 and 45 lb plates on each side until I get close to the working weight.
If a weight feels off or sluggish, I will repeat it a handful of times.

Feeling stiff? Dead hangs. Body weight deep squat hold. DeFranco's Agile 8. Wendler recommends jumps or throws to be explosive and wake everything up. Skipping rope. Kettle swings, cleans, or snatches.

Want to sweat and get some additional volume in? Bodyweight circuits. Set a 5-10 minute timer, pick an appropriate rep number for you and bodyweight squats and/or reverse lunges, chin-ups, pushups, and band pull aparts. When getting up from the pushup, jump up. Don't slowly crawl up. You sweat. You get a little extra volume. The exercise and change in elevation increase heart rate.