What are your non scale goals for July/august?


New member
I posted the other day because I have trouble associating exercise with weight loss even unintentionally.

I LOVED the responses so much it inspired me to write a list of fun goals to set for myself over the next few months.

I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone else had any non scale goals to try and break the habit of thinking of weight loss.

I would like to lose some weight but like exercise should be so much more then a size or a number, I recognize that even if I struggle with it a little lol.

Besides I know realistically a calorie deficit is the only way for fat loss and for me personally exercise has never intentionally made me lose weight, anytime I got fit it was an accident or a new hobby or lifestyle. Come to think of it I actually never owned a scale any time in my life I got in great shape. 😂

Leave your list below I thought we could inspire each other. :)

My list is very simple but I’m excited about it.
  1. Pick places I would like to go and see how far in miles it is to comfortably tour them and train for it! For example I have a friend near Disney world I plan to visit and she loves to park hop in 90 degree heat haha. Or I would love to go to Europe, walks get way more fun when I imagine I’m training to handle exploring a new place like that. (And I will someday!)
  2. In person Pilates classes. I’ve always done at home Pilates I even had my own reformer for a few years (fb marketplace haha) but I’ve always chickened out on a class because I’m intimidated, now I’m gonna make it a goal and see if I enjoy it.
  3. Simple weight routine that I’ll stick to, I want to carry heavy things! I’m petite and I have always had guys jump in to carry crap I’m kind of useless with heavy stuff haha but I know I can change that! Picturing a shocked face when I can carry something not only heavy but bigger then me makes me laugh /motivated.
  4. 10 k steps a day. I LOVE step counting but I haven’t stuck to it in a while. 10k makes me feel accountable and just the right amount of enjoyment like I can fit that in my day without being annoyed haha.
What are yours? Do you always have non scale goals?
@uticus To actually go to the gym lol. I would like to go to the gym at least 8 times in July.

I would like to be more consistent with my sleep schedule.

Only consume soda no more than twice a month.
@ronmon i was gonna comment "hit the gym twice a week" and i felt so silly cos everyone here has such big goals (good for them!!) so i'm glad for this comment!

offering to be your accountability buddy if you want one; your first two goals align with mine :)

and as for the third, i'm more of a boba gal than soda, so i'll limit my boba to twice a month!
@uticus I read everyone’s goals and I love it. Here are my mine for July:
  1. Be able to do one proper form push up. I’m getting very close on this one, over the span of 40 ish days I went from knee pushups to pushup negatives. Randomly during the day I drop down to the floor try one pushup. I had a close one this week but not as deep as it could have been. I think I’ll get it this month.
  2. My boyfriend and I are in a LDR. He’s flying over to my country at the beginning of August. He hasn’t seen me since March. I want him absolutely losing his shit about how strong I look and how much hotter I got. We’re going to the beach with my best friend and his boyfriend. He has this beach picture of me from 2015 that he loves to look at. I wanna replace that pic with a new one this summer.
@uticus I want to get to 2 plates on deadlift and comfortably get my 1000m row to under 5 minutes. I don’t think that’s even a crazy row goal, I’m just new at it. 🤣

I want to get to a 100lb bench by the end of the year. My last tested 1 rep max was 90lbs, and that was with a headcold so I absolutely feel like I can do it! I’d love to get 150lb squat this year too. Not totally sure how feasible that one is but I’ll keep pushing towards it.

I also want to get a V4 Boulder outside this year and I am SOOOOO stinkin close! Missed the one I was working the last session by 🤏🏻 much, and it was only because the skin on my fingertips was worn way too thin. Now it’s going to have to wait for the fall session, but that’s okay.
@missjo You may want to try the fishing game on the rowing machine. I found it helpful. The machine tracks how many meters you did in four minutes but you’re not looking at the numbers and it’s fun trying to avoid the big fish.
@uticus I have goals from time to time.
  1. More than 5 consecutive assisted pull ups (I just switched from the green band to the blue one and OOOF)
  2. At least two bike rides that aren't just around the neighborhood, meaning I have to drive to a state trailhead. I hate putting my bike in the car so this doesn't happen often
  3. Keep up with my ex and his GF when we all go hiking later this summer (long story but anyway they are both cardio people and they're taller than me so I will be feeling it)
  4. At least one good weekend nap per month
  5. See if my stomach will tolerate watermelon now. I have not been able to eat it for years but maybe this is my year!
@kenjisan70 If you feel comfortable tell us the story of how this hiking with your ex happened it sounds like something from book tok haha. Love your goals! Fingers crossed on the watermelon!