What are your non scale goals for July/august?

@uticus It's a long, long story, but we are better friends now that we don't live together (married 1992, divorced 2015). We've had some shared tragedy in the past few years and going through it kind of rebuilt our bond, just not in a romantic way. His girlfriend is cool with it, and their relationship is totally different from how my marriage was, which I think is good for him. We occasionally do stuff together, like this upcoming weekend/cottage/hiking thing.
@kenjisan70 I love that!!! Honestly it’s comforting that when life changes and twists and turns some people are meant to be in your life even if it’s in a different role then you originally thought. Thanks for sharing. :)!
@uticus -Go for a walk every day with my toddler and dogs - it's good for me AND they need it too. Accountability for all!

-Get to the gym 4x a week, because I'm trying to build my strength up with consistency.

I shifted my mindset from my weight to my strength/abilities a little while back and it's made life better for me. I love being strong!!
@uticus Strengthening my upper body! I’m pretty good about leg day but I’m so bad at focusing on upper body exercises. they’re not as fun to me and I feel like I need a spotter or help figuring out how to best use a machine.
@uticus Hmmmm mine are:
1) body weight deadlift at my usual 4x6 (15 lbs to go!)
2) climb a 5.12 (indoors) by October, as that will mark a year of climbing for me
3) climb an outdoor 5.10; I'm going outside for the first time tomorrow, so we'll see what I can do!
4) 5 pullups from dead hang by the end of the year. currently at zero xD
@uticus My non-scale goal when I started lifting was to get strong enough to lift my 80 lb senior dog. I knew the day was fast approaching when I'd have to help him more than I was physically able to at that point, so that was my main motivation. I reached that goal, luckily enough, right when he had a medical emergency that meant me having to carry him outside and inside for a few days, plus lift him in and out of the car, which I'd never been able to do before! Luckily he's much better (knock on wood), but I still have to help him on occasion or give him a bit of a boost up a step here or there.

My current non-scale goal is to try bouldering! I think it would be a fun experience and motivating for my day to day lifting sessions.

Also working my way up to a 5 min plank, doing 10 pushups in a row (I can do 2 now lol, that took me a year), and a few Pilates moves I'd like to be able to do (jackknife and roll over).
@uticus All of my goals are non scale. I haven’t stepped on one in years. Here they are:

-Continue lifting weights, and I would like to consistently squat 205 with good form.

-Make excellent use of our building’s pool and be out there every weekend that I don’t have conflicting plans.

-Swim in the ocean at least once a month this summer. (June was too cold, I’m not counting it. Maybe September will allow me to make it up.)

-Ride my bike from San Diego to Long Beach. (Eventually I want to have ridden the entire coast from San Diego to Vancouver, in pieces.)

ETA: I also have a longterm goal of doing a pull-up. For the summer just improving on the assisted pull-up machine, and stopping on my way home to work with the pull-up bars in the park is on the list
@swissbts22 The Pacific is cold enough that if I ever get into ocean swimming year-round, I will need a wet-suit. Coming from New England, I was shocked by how cold the ocean is off Southern California, but I guess we get currents from Alaska. For now, I just stick to summer and my bathing suit. Though I did just order a new full-coverage bikini top, because, while it has taken me almost 2 decades to get it through my thick skull, I have finally realized that bathing suits suitable for looking cute at the pool do not keep my chest in line amidst ocean waves.
@uticus My list is simple. Start doing pilates again in the morning. Park walk before the temps rise over 80 degrees daily. Dance like crazy in my craft room while my paintings dry.
@dramedywriter This sounds like JOY to me. Yes morning walks are everything in the summer, I’m not great in the heat. It’s so funny cuz a friend of mine will literally wait till like 4 to go on her walks because she loves to be hot 😂
  1. To keep improving on the “endless rope” and maybe find a new playful exercise/tool. My gym is small, glass windows and not a ton of room. I’d like to use the battle ropes but it’s usually too crowded. We don’t really have medicine balls or slam balls either. I need to find more playground style stuff! 😅
  2. Try and do one salad a day, veg or fruit.
  3. Go no alcohol from now until August 6. Going to Vegas after that, so that will end. Want to see how it feels.
  4. Stretch cardio 10 more minutes per session. I think I can do this, just I get bored.
  5. Start working abs again. Was going great until I wrecked something and it literally felt like I was bleeding internally. Will take it slow.
@uticus Because of the heat I've scaled back some running goals.

So my goal for the summer is to be able to walk 3.3mph for 30 mins on the treadmill. Stretch goal is 5% Incline.
@uticus I want to get my running base back up to a consistent 4x/week, with my goal being 15 mpw at least.

Continue lifting heavy (barbells and dumbbells) at least once a week and Pilates 2x/week.

Grocery shop every Sunday/Monday to set the week up for success.
@uticus For my meniscus, tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis to settle tf down already and NOT get a new injury. I miss running! I miss mobility! This is bullshit.