What are your non scale goals for July/august?

@adele4naz Yes- I miss pain free mobility too. I want to be able to get down and up from the floor easily as tendinitis in my knees after a stupid household accident. I miss being pain free and mobile. As for goals- I’m walking most days, if slowly and want to be consistent with my adapted online yoga and light strength training routine for rainy days.
@uticus I am starting a new program in July and adding hill runs 3x a week for 20 min to it. I haven’t ran in years. So if can finish that and my program I’ll be happy!

I am also competing for some mural work, so I want to be able to get that job and finish by summers end. I noticed that carrying around all my supplies (paint cans) is a lot easier now with my weightlifting!
@uticus I think mine is to be more consistent with my activities.
I would like to make it to bjj a minimum of four times a week regardless of what shift I'm on.
I would like to go to the gym three times a week and keep a consistent program.I think full body three times a week should be doable.
@uticus I want to keep doing my barre classes twice a week, and I want to get back to 15mpw of running this month. I also want to keep working on my mobility especially in my hips and hamstrings.

I took a couple months off of running — coincidentally, the most beautiful weather of the year too — because I upped my mileage too quickly and I was dealing with some knee pain. But considering I was at 25-35mpw, 15mpw should be very achievable.
@uticus Similar to your #1, I have a big trip to Japan planned for this fall and I want to feel comfortable being on my feet all day by the time I leave. I used to travel a ton before the pandemic and would easily log 10-15 miles walking a day on any given trip, which is...not my current reality haha. I enjoy going on long walks when I can, but I'm not as consistent about it as I should be, and it's certainly not every day.

I haven't actually decided yet what my specific milestones are going to be, but I have a treadmill desk I've been dreadfully underutilizing, and I'd like to build up to spending basically my entire work day on my feet over the next ten weeks. I need to set up a sticker chart for myself or something lol because it's easy for me to sit down to answer an email and then look at the clock two hours later and realize I've been working from my dining table for far too long.
@officehead I'm interested in hearing about your trip to Japan, because that is also a goal for me in the next couple of years (I want to hike parts of the Kumano Kodo). Even when I travel I don't normally walk more than maybe 7 miles on a typical day, and at home far less than that, so I'm a little worried about being in good enough shape to do it...and also I don't speak or read any Japanese. Do you?
@kenjisan70 Oh that's amazing! I'm not planning on doing any hiking except maybe as a day trip, I just really love exploring cities on foot lol. I've been fortunate to be able to travel a lot and I'm definitely the kind of person who likes being out and about with a jam-packed schedule from dawn to dusk. Which is to say, I'm not really training for a hike, just getting re-accustomed to being on my feet for hours at a time; my travel style is such that I really only ever sit down for meals, and I've clocked some looooong days on previous trips. The Kumano Kodo seems like it would be a gorgeous hike to do, though!

I do know a little bit of Japanese; I studied it for four years when I was in high school, though it's been some time now and I've gotten quite rusty. One of my other goals before the trip is to try and brush up on any characters that I think might show up on restaurant menus lol. I definitely don't think you need to know any Japanese to be able to enjoy a trip there, though. Signs in train stations and such always have the names in English, and smiling and pointing will get you a long way in shops and restaurants.
@officehead I think a lot of people walk the Kumano, but with tour groups. I'm not really worried about eating, sleeping, etc. as long as I understand cash by then, but I'm a little concerned about if I get hurt how I'll talk to medical people. Yes, I'm a big overplanner. I wish I had a Japanese-speaking friend I could call in an emergency! I'll have to buy a SIM card and rely on Google, not the same at all.
@uticus Everyone has great goals! Here are mine:
1. Seeing that yesterday I managed to do my first pull up, the goal would now be to be able to do more than one.
2. Be able to run 10km in 50min. I'm working already on it but I'm not sure if I'll be able to achieve it by August, I'll try my best though.
3. In August I will start to train for a 20km race I have this autumn. Plan is to finish in under 2h. So goal 2 and 3 are related [sup]^[/sup]
@uticus This will probably take longer than July/August depending on my work schedule, but...

I want to be able to climb Mount Kinabalu.
@uticus I really love these posts you're doing - keep it up!!

- back squat 135 for reps (my bodyweight - my core is my weakness in this lift, so this goal goes hand-in-hand with improving my core strength)

- bench 135 (this might take longer but I'm already at 90!!)

- increase my VO2 max to 40

- do at least one hike a month
@uticus I'm going to run 10k, then maybe a half marathon. I want to go do a run near me that goes past a zoo. I love the feel of just being unlimited in how far I can go, like a superhero chasing down villains.

Long term goal is to be able tomlift something heavier than my other half because he said he'd go to the gym if I could lift something he couldn't and I want to make him eat that sentence.
@uticus Doing a mobility, stretching, or foam roller routine daily. I feel so much better in my body when I'm doing something like this, and I think that doing it consistently will feel amazing!