What are your non scale goals for July/august?

@adele4naz Yes- I miss pain free mobility too. I want to be able to get down and up from the floor easily as tendinitis in my knees after a stupid household accident. I miss being pain free and mobile. As for goals- I’m walking most days, if slowly and want to be consistent with my adapted online yoga and light strength training routine for rainy days.
@uticus I am starting a new program in July and adding hill runs 3x a week for 20 min to it. I haven’t ran in years. So if can finish that and my program I’ll be happy!

I am also competing for some mural work, so I want to be able to get that job and finish by summers end. I noticed that carrying around all my supplies (paint cans) is a lot easier now with my weightlifting!
@uticus I think mine is to be more consistent with my activities.
I would like to make it to bjj a minimum of four times a week regardless of what shift I'm on.
I would like to go to the gym three times a week and keep a consistent program.I think full body three times a week should be doable.
@uticus I want to keep doing my barre classes twice a week, and I want to get back to 15mpw of running this month. I also want to keep working on my mobility especially in my hips and hamstrings.

I took a couple months off of running — coincidentally, the most beautiful weather of the year too — because I upped my mileage too quickly and I was dealing with some knee pain. But considering I was at 25-35mpw, 15mpw should be very achievable.