What do u have for breakfast

@bagr4 Usually a banana, one scoop of whey before and a liter of salty Gatorade to drink during/after the workout. I can’t tolerate much food volume before a workout, it’ll come right back up 🤮
@bagr4 It depends because sometimes I meal prep breakfast burritos, frittata, or overnight oats, but my go-to otherwise is usually two hard boiled eggs and some sort of fruit for first breakfast, then midmorning I'll have Oikos pro yogurt. If I have the breakfast burritos I'll usually skip the yogurt in favor of fruit 'cause they're pretty filling and high in protein.
@bagr4 I workout in the evening so large breakfast which is actually more optimal. 3-4 eggs from my chickens, 1/2 cup egg whites, some sort of protein (bacon sausage, or leftover steak or something from the night before), some veggies usually broccoli or squash/zucchini, homemade sourdough slice, and a big protein shake with all sorts of goodies (yogurt, mushroom blend, moringa, chrlorella, flax, fruit). I drink the shake on the way to work then eat the eggs at work