What do u have for breakfast

@bagr4 I workout in the morning. I have an oikos Pro yogurt before my workout, a quest protein shake immediately after, and then usually a bagel with cream cheese within like an hour.
@cannie Uffda - yogurt BEFORE the workout? I love me some yogurt but something about a large amount of dairy within 90min before a workout doesn't sit right lol
@kennedy11 Haha yeah that's fair! The portions are pretty small, but I also don't have any issues with dairy. I usually eat it about an hour before my workout, sometimes more like 2 if I'm coaching that morning.
@cannie Love Oikos Pro.

Wish I could find it in the large tubs, but my local grocery stores never seem to have it.

But they are usually 5 for $5 for the little ones, so not so bad.
@bagr4 Before morning WOD: Coffee, creatine, and one nature valley “protein” bar. I know it has sugar. I don’t care. I need just enough to fill the stomach without eating a full meal.

Rest days: overnight oats with fruit
@bagr4 Are you referring to those who work out in the morning i.e. "if you workout at 5:30 am..." or do you just want to know what people eat for breakfast?
@bagr4 No but i do have an overnight oats recipe. The hot version is this:

1/2 cup instant oats. 1 min microwave. Add casein and pb then stir until its a nice thick sludge. I stg its so good.

Overnight oats:
1/2 cup WHOLE oats
1/3 cup milk
1/3 cup greek yogurt
Stir, cover, refrigerate

In the morning add one scoop of granola and a noce spoonful of peach preserves. BOOM
@bagr4 I have an applesauce pouch or 2 and part of a whey protein shake on the way to the gym (workout starts anywhere between 5:30 and 6:00 am). After my workout, I drink the rest of my shake on the way home. When I get home, I have my coffee, two eggs, and a piece of sourdough toast. Sometimes, I make it an open face sandwich with pepperjack cheese.
@bagr4 2 tablespoons of Gatorade in my preworkout, hit the gym at 6:00am, then afterwards I have a smoothie that contains 75g of oatmeal, 50g of whey protein, and 150g of blueberries.
@bagr4 If I’m working out in the morning it’s a banana and a cup of coffee. Anything else makes me feel nauseous. Post I’ll usually do four boiled or scrambled eggs and a slice of toast if I’m working from home. If I need to go, I’ll make a shake (Hydro whey, creating, peanut butter, blueberries, banana, and oats).
@bagr4 2 yogurts, 30g of protein.

Lately 1 vanilla Skyr and 1 cherry Skyr. (From Tj’s)

Another fav is mixing a flavored chobani or oikos with a serving of plain Fage and a little granola. Yum!
@bagr4 Electrolytes and coffee on waking, bagel and jam before training.
After training it’s either a bagel with 3 eggs and 150g of egg whites, or tailwind recovery with and extra scoop of protein if I’m short for time.
@bagr4 Four Bloody Marys, two grapefruits, a pot of coffee, Rangoon crêpes, a half-pound of either sausage, bacon, or corned-beef hash with diced chilies, a Spanish omelette or eggs Benedict, a quart of milk, a chopped lemon for random seasoning, and something like a slice of key lime pie, two margaritas and six lines of the best cocaine for dessert…Right, and there should also be two or three newspapers, all mail and messages, a telephone, a notebook for planning the next twenty-four hours, and at least one source of good music…all of which should be dealt with outside, in the warmth of a hot sun, and preferably stone naked.