What I learned getting fit in 2023- shocked me!


New member
After losing 1 pound a month in 2023, going from 130 to 118, but also recomp, I learned that being fit (adding muscle, leaning out a bit) means I can eat with more “wiggle room”. I can eat more, and semi poorly even!, for awhile and my body doesn’t really change much if at all.

When I was “pudgy” and soft, if I are poorly for a week like I have over the holidays, I’d be bloated and gain 5-7 lbs and it would just not be good.

But I’ve learned it’s true—- lifting (even lightly) and running less intensely allowed my body to build in such a way that I can relax a little about my habits, let go of my anxiety about eating handfuls of chips and cookies and some pie and cake.

This is probably obvious for so many ppl but as a victim of the 1990s supermodel “heroin chic” pro-ano era, this feels revolutionary to me!

Here’s to a healthy and fit 2024! 🎉🎉🎉
@jaimez Yes! I’ve found this true too! I just need to make sure to lose slowly by eating more veggies/fiber, drinking more water, lifting, and some cardio and then it’s a lot easier to maintain than by yo yo dieting! Here’s to 2024! 🎉
@jaimez I love the idea of this, losing a pound a month and having a stronger body that handles calorie fluctuations much better! This is the perfect time to read this, thank you!
@fleetwood95 That makes me happy to hear! I used to try to drop “20 lbs in 2 months”! Or crazy fast loss. This year I didn’t think of my weight but instead (u can go look at my posts) tried to focus on doing a few little things each day to be stronger (eg. Doing a few lunges while waiting for laundry to dry, or 20 sit ups while waiting for coffee to brew,,) little things each day.

Suddenly 2 months in to doing that I had some arm definition and was feeling strong, I could do tons of sit-ups and push-ups, it was startling. Then month 3, my jeans felt looser in thigh… I started to look forward to watching myself move my muscles in the mirror bc even if my body isn’t “perfect” (whose is!? And perfect is healthy and working! I’m grateful I can see, walk, talk, and live a normal life) … I could see my progress forming and I felt so proud of that.

I wish the best for u this year, feel free to message me any time or catch up on my posts.

My fitness motto: SLOW & STEADY 🎆❤️🎉💪
@jaimez HNY! Can you please elaborate on what you do to run less intensely? I’ve started a lifting program and do running and swimming as part of my daily cardio and I’m so afraid to let up on these in case I don’t lose as much 🥹
@objectivetruth I have been a runner for 30 years. I went from running daily to 1-2 times a week. Walking a few days instead but not going crazy, haven’t even been hitting 10k ever to be honest. I think my body needed me to chill. The moment I ran less, I felt things shift. Try not to be scared to try. The worst that could happen isn’t even bad- it’s information gathering. You need to test things to learn more about your body. Go for it. Try things out. It’s awesome.
@jaimez Love your post OP!

This year, I started doing resistance training following Caroline Girvan and noticed my body composition has changed greatly while remaining in the same weight bracket!

Like you, I also grew up in the era of 1990s where most of my friends were starving ourselves to look thin. In 2023, I promised myself no more, and because I'm so scared of undoing the progress I made in 2023, I joined Reddit to keep me accountable.

To a healthy, fit, and amazing 2024!
@digitalsoldier0 This is lovely! Cheers 🥂 to us, to growth and wisdom, to strength, and to feisty toughness coming in petite packages! 🎁 Here’s to 2024, please visit back and update any time. You’ve all become my support network here, & I welcome updates from my new friends any time! I’ll post updates throughout the year. I’m curious to see how my body will evolve and change and grow this year!!
@jaimez I agree with this wholeheartedly. I am maintaining my weight (42 kg) on 1, 700 Cals per day. I never thought I could consistently eat this much. Looking forward to seeing how high I can get my maintenance cals this year!
@paulhyams1 If you go back and look at my posts, I’ve shared pics and video of before/after. I am 4’10. I’m not sure what my calories are, as I don’t count. But based on what I do know (I have counted in the past so I can estimate), I believe I’m at 1600-1800 a day. If I do ever calculate I do so by the week to avoid feeling deprived. Why?

Some days I eat 1200… Then other days, I go out to breakfast, have a work lunch meeting at a restaurant, then have a dinner event, perhaps stop for dessert with husband and I could easily eat 2600/day.

So for me, counting weekly helped. Now I don’t keep track, don’t count macros, don’t even try to hit a particular protein goal. I do eat a lot of protein though but not smoothies or bars. I eat lamb, chicken, fish, shrimp, all sorts of beef … been focused on making good choices- which includes eating junk sometimes. Drinking water is a game changer for me too.
@jaimez This is such a great post! Can you tell me what lifting lightly means to you? I’ve never lifted before and am really intimidated about getting started, so I’d love to know what’s considered to be on the light end of things.
@crystalcrane21 This is me “lifting”

I found 5 pound Velcro hand weights around the house and picked them up on 1/1/2023. I was 130 & fluffy that day. Now 1 year later I’m 12 pounds down but totally recomped (so it’s probably lost way more fat and then added muscle. I wash shocked it was possible at home with this “little” Velcro weights!)

I began moving around like this my “lifting”

I also started doing push-ups (I couldn’t do a real one at first but now I can do so many!! I started with knee bender modified push-ups, go through my post history for more) & found that just “lifting” 5 lb Velcro wrist weights (sometimes now I hold 2 in one hand so sometimes 10 lbs) is enough to recomp my body! I just had to do it EVERY DAY.
You can do it! I don’t know what I’m doing! I just picked them up and started moving around!