What is your favorite four-day split?

@cloudsinthesky85 Hi, just found this thread, would you recommend doing the Boring but Big split?

I currently do the following:

Day 1 - Chest, Back, Biceps 1

Day 2 - Shoulders, Legs, Triceps 1

Day 3 - Rest

Day 4 - Chest, Back, Biceps 2

Day 5 - Shoulders, Legs, Triceps 2

And have been wanting to switch it up, would the 531 split be more effective
@brnicholas I’m actually moving to a new split next week, to PHUL. I wasn’t a big fan of that split, I’m still new to body building so I won’t actually share the program since it wasn’t very good. But I do think the split is fine as long as you do it better than I did.
@thomas7897 I would not recomend this for beginners. Just because you probably should have a higher frequency. I'd try to hit everything twice a week at least as a beginner.

That being said consitancy/ enjoyment above all else. So if this (or something similair) is the only way you actually are going to train then do this.
@burns7272 its very low volume so i think that it might be targeted more towards literal beginners who just started going to the gym. I dont see anything wrong with the split but the exercises and muscle groups are extremely questionable
@jlrodriguez If you want to do 4 days in a row, I would do Push/ Pull x2. So your push days includes squat movements/ quads, and your pull day includes hinge movements/ hamstrings.

If you feel like you have too much soreness from your first two sessions for your second two, make the first two more strength focussed and second two more hypertrophy focussed.


Push Strength
1. Squat 5x5
2. Bench 5x5
3. OHP 5x5
4. Optional accesories for quads/ chest/ shoulders/ tris

Pull Strength
1. Deadlift 5x5
2. Barbell row 5x5
3. Pull up or pull down 5x5
4. Optional accesories for hamstrings/ back/ bis

Push hypertrophy
1. Bulgarians 4x8
2. Dumbbell bench 3x12
3. Dumbbell OHP 3x12
4. As many accesories as you can fit in to your session

Pull hypertrophy
1. RDLs 4x8
2. Cable rows 3x12
3. Pull downs 3x12
4. As many accesories as you can fit in to your session