What is your favorite four-day split?

@jlrodriguez I named this the “Kerry Von Eric 4 Day Split”:

M - back, bi’s / T - chest, tri’s / W - off / T - legs / F - shoulders, traps, forearms / S - off / S - off

Back - behind neck pulldown, seated cable rows
Bi’s - barbell curls, concentration curls
Chest - dips, incline, flyes
Tri’s - Pulldowns, Lying Extensions, overhead extensions
Legs - Extensions, Leg Press, Leg Curls, Calves
Shoulders - behind neck overhead, side laterals, rear laterals
Traps - upright rows, shrugs
Forearms - behind back wrist curls

5 sets / 2 warmup 3 working / 8-10 reps
@bonnie99 Saw a video from Randumb Fitness mentioning this exact split. Seeing this comment has more than 1 year, have you modified or changed anything? He mentions in the video you could incorporate a separate arms/shoulders day (5th day) in case the 4 day split takes you too much time. How has your experience been? I might end up doing this starting tomorrow.
@pacificjordan I did this for about 3 months or so and I liked it a lot. Eventually tho I found my way back to a body part split just cuz I really enjoy honing in on one muscle group and wrecking it. Also I was in the gym for like 2 hours every workout tryana cover all my bases. I still think it’s good tho I was actually considering trying it again.