What made your arm grow the most?

@setst777 Two things that worked for me: (1) the antagonistic split, a.k.a. the Arnold split (chest+back, delts+arms, legs), and (2) doing an upper-lower split, where I would superset biceps and triceps exercises with my legs exercises. So yeah, I literally did arms six days per week, meaning doing biceps curls in-between my squats or deadlifts, or doing triceps extensions or close-grip push-ups in-between my leg extensions and leg curls. I was probably doing like 40 sets of biceps per week at one point, and slightly less for triceps (since I assumed my triceps were already quite stimulated from chest and delt work).

This is one reason why I'm not surprised by that one new study, showing that 52 sets of quads per week grew more muscle and created more strength adaptations than 20 sets. I've experienced this kind of growth before.
@reemal Damn son! Thats insane determination, mad respect. Dont let the powerlifter guys in the comments see this. You only need deadlifts for tris, and squats for bis. Barbell too. Absolutely nothing else other than barbell works, its just fluff. Lol
@setst777 Having and arm/shoulder day. My split is i go to the gym every other day by which i hit every muscle every 6 instead of 7 days, two sets to failure + partials on the last set of the workout for that muslce group, 4-6 sets per muscle group per workout. And additionally TNF tricpes mechanical drop sets, google it if this nwx explaination doesn't make sense: You do pushdowns but first you step away from the stack so 90 degrees is made between the cable and your extended arm on lockout,bang out 8-10 reps,step forward you should be able do bangbout 2-4 more, bend over like you are doing a skullcrusher, boom another 2-4. I do teo rounds of this on one of my days and that's all the tricps work on that day.
@setst777 Do your arms before horizontal and vertical pushes and pulls, not after.

You can spam bis, tris, delts so I often do sets on leg days. I call them limb days now.
@setst777 If you went back to PPL I'd do Bi's before back and same with Tris before chest.

If not I'd do the arms first before shoulders in your current set up. Maybe try adding a couple hundred calories that day too for a bit of extra feed.

If your Bi's and Tris are already in the advanced phase of training, ie. Not growing as fast, look into advanced training techniques. Watch this video and incorporate the advanced section into your arm training.

Dr Mike Video
@setst777 Start with a heavy compound lift. Bench, overhead press, whatever. Does not matter. Use it to wear yourself out so you're a little spent for the next part.

Then pick a biceps move and a triceps move and superset them. Maybe the 8-12 range, and progress to lighter and higher rep. As you get exhausted or bored with one of them, swap it out for something else and start at 8-12 with the new exercise. Toss in some slow reps. Or drop sets. Keep mixing it up. Short(ish) rest periods.

Keep going until you can honestly say to yourself, “there’s no way my arms WON’T grow doing all this.” And then do at least 3 more sets of each after that.

You’re aiming to be in tears.
@maverik379 If I had to pick one, it would be EZ curl and angled bar pushdown. More often than not, that's my starting point.

But everything has a place, and if I have time I'll do 3, 4, 5 exercises for each or more. It's pretty much "what can help me get a really good squeeze or burn at this point in my workout?"

EZ, cables, dumbell, machines, preacher, concentration, reverse grip, hammer... everything is on the table. And on any given day there's a different ultimate. I see which one excites me in the moment, and that helps me push it harder.
@setst777 Arm day or at least training arms fresh. If PPL, training biceps on push day and triceps on pull day. At least 9 weekly direct hard sets to failure for both biceps and triceps. Utilize: pinwheel or hammer curl, alternating dumbbell curl, seated db curl, preacher curl, spider curl; v bar pushdowns, long rope pushdowns, overhead cable or lying EZ bar or db extensions, and CGBP or JM press.
@setst777 I do UL but modified it to be more like Torso/Limbs.

Chest, Back, Shoulders, and Abs one day then Legs, Arms, and Calves the other. I like this split because I can really hammer my arms hard since they’re fresh.
@setst777 Having a dedicated shoulders/arms day. I hear people say they have no problem 'killing' their arms on their push/pull days. Well, that depends on what one means by 'killing'. If you mean fatiguing/exhausting, then sure, if you mean stimulating growth, then not (at least not for me).
@setst777 You just need to prioritize arm volume. I run a PPL split that I created over the last few months. I do biceps and triceps on both my push and pull days. I aim for around 16 total sets per week for each. This has worked the best for me. Arms can recover very quickly. If they aren’t sore then train them.
@setst777 I do NOT believe dedicated arm days are needed to grow big arms. I do two supersets 2x/week at the end of my full-body workouts as follows:

SS1: V-bar pushdowns / cross-body curls

SS2: Overhead cable extensions / EZ bar curls. (3-second eccentric)

Two sets of each superset, all to complete failure. The focus on the eccentric on SS2 is very important. I go heavy; only 8-10 reps max per set because any more causes too much fatigue.

These have worked very well for me. I'm not willing to add another day at the gym to focus on arms.