What made your arm grow the most?


New member
Im struggling with my arms. Im progressivly overloading, i bulk and cut. 184 cm and 97 kg, not low bodyfat tho. They just dont grow. Been running ppl, @sandys and @sandys + shoulder/arms for the past 3 years depending on how many days i have time/energy for in the gyms. 70 percent it has been the 5 day split. 12 sets each per week for bis and tris.

Only success ive ever had was on a bro-split 15-16 sets many years ago but i dont wanna go back to that as my chest/back/legs sucked being trained once a week. I perfmorm all the compounds and hit arms with isolations.

So, any tips? What made your cannons grow?

EDIT: PLEASE, no comments on doing more squats and deadlifts! I am already doing it twice per week and i dont think they have any effect on bis and tris lol
@sbrodhagen Allright think im gonna try CG bench ”supersetted” with some curls. Keeping a rest time about 1.5-2 minutes between. Always had trash mmc with regular pushdowns no matter how i setup, cg bench i really feel them hard
@setst777 you may feel cg bench well with tris but they won't hit the long head well

Regular pushdowns have been ass for me for as long as I've been lifting. Cross body weather dual or single arm have been money for me

@sbrodhagen Idk if ive ever seen a better video learning the setup on cross body extensions. Thats one of the reasons i didnt really connect with them. Always bumbing, unsure of the angle. Thanks alot! Gonna do 3-4 sets of cg bench and rest with these
@delivered2019 You're going to be weaker on presses doing triceps first but you'd either have to take that as a consequence of prioritizing arms or go for pec dec/cable flies to compensate
@frustratedhusband GVS style mini sets of 3 reps starting 10 secs after I've failed with the last set. Done until impossible to do a set with 3 clean(ish) reps. 10 secs break in between mini sets.

Or Dr mike myo match, ie complete as many reps as last set was with 5 secs break after the last rep of the 'normal set' and then in between reps.

LLP is another good idea.

I found that my arms recover in no time (forearms literally in no time) which means I have clean card to fuck them up with intensity (and volume to an extent).