What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

@justin_holmes Deadlifting my body weight, and I just recently am able to pistol squat for a few reps on my right side! Now to conquer the left leg!
Congrats on your all progress. I have struggled to find something in adulthood that I felt was mine, it really is the best feeling!
@justin_holmes The first time I went to do a chin up, and then realized I had enough strength to do a second one without touching the ground. For the longest time, I could only do one shaky one and I had to jump into it. When I knew I was able to start doing multiples, I felt like Wonder Woman! 😅
@justin_holmes A while ago I was doing an excersize in the gym where you pull a sled. I didn’t know how much weight I had to use because it was the first time I had ever done that exercise, so I just used what was on it already. It was heavy but I managed it. Then the owner of the gym (former bodybuilder)came up to me and asked me if I realized I was using the weights that he had been using to train just an hour before. I don’t remember what the weight was & I dont go to that gym anymore. But it made me feel really strong.

Edit to add: do put weights back when you’re done using them.
@justin_holmes I don’t make any noises anymore when moving from one position to another. I can just… stand up from squatting down. I used to come fully equipped with sound effects.

I don’t feel especially strong yet, but I feel capable of more, and that’s a big deal for me.
@justin_holmes It wasn't actually a weight exercise but a balance one. I progressed from trying to stay seated on a Swiss ball with my feet off the ground all the way to being able to kneel up on the Swiss ball and chuck a 4kg medicine ball back and forth with a friend without falling off. It looks like your just messing around but its intense quad and core usage!
@justin_holmes Well my stretch goal is to some day be able to rack the kayaks on the roof of the car myself. I’ll let you know when I get there.

Edit: this entire thread is insanely motivational!!!
@justin_holmes When I finally kicked into a handstand (at the wall) two months ago, 40 years after the last time and 6 years after a sever shoulder injury. I’m working towards free standing now - it feels amazing.

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