What's your daily schedule look like?

@prayersword Wake up at 4am
Gym stuff on/prep preworkout

Aim to be out the house no later than 4:30am
Take the dog for a walk while I drink my preworkout

Back home, grab gym bag
Head off to the gym which is only 5min walk and is 24/7 hammer strength kitted gym too.

Get in for about 5am

Usually latest out the gym by 6:30am depending on cardio.

So I can either start work at 8 or 8:30am
And it’s working for the online department of a child’s charity here in the UK.

Work till either 4 or 4:30pm

Off home, food chill sleep.

From September my daughter will be going to full time nursery leading to primary school but they start at 8:45am so doesn’t impact my schedule at all.
@prayersword I either get to the gym by 6am so its done for the day or on days I have to workout in the evening, I'll usually do it when my kids are in bed or at least getting ready for bed and things seem to be stable. Otherwise I work 8-5 M-F, take kids to school and do activities with them after until a bit after 7pm when they start their bedtime process. On weekends, I still like to get my workouts done early, finish no longer than 8am. I also tend to do a second lift or cardio on weekends.
@prayersword With your schedule, I’d lift before work since 9AM is quite late in the morning. I wake up at 4:30AM and start work at 6AM so I lift after work at roughly 3:30PM.

After the gym I usually make or help with dinner. Everything is cleaned up by around 6:30PM, then I relax with TV and hang with my lady until 8PM. We try to close our eyes by 8:30PM
@prayersword get up a 6am,......drink protein/creatine shake at 6:30am............ get to office job by 8am,....workout during lunch from 12pm to 12:45pm (work gym).......go home at 5pm......sleep at 10pm [repeat]
@prayersword Depends on what my schedule looks like cause it rotates. So on days that I start work before 8am I will go to gym after work(between 4:30-5:30pm session start) and will workout before work on days I start work at/after 8am. The change in schedule actually keeps it fresh for me, only downside is every Billy Bicep, his brother and his goldfish are at my gym after 4pm
@prayersword I have my own detailing business so I'm pretty active during the day. Moat days I can finish up by 3 and get to the gym then home before my wife comes home from work.
@prayersword I work those same hours in property management. I go home, change my clothes, take my pre workout, grab my bag, and go to the gym. I’m in there from 7:15 until about 8-8:30 depending on the day.
@prayersword Wake up at 12:30, prepare and eat pre gym food plus coffee, go to the gym, prepare and eat post workout food, chill with the wife, go to work from 22:00 till 06:00, then sleep again until 12:30 and repeat.
@prayersword I wake up an hour early just to have my session before work. It just makes it a lot easier and I’d rather work out after a good night of rest as opposed to a long day of work.
@prayersword I wake up at 4 or 3 5x a week and hit the gym right away. It's part of my waking up routine and I reserve a 3h block of my day for that routine (the actual workout is about 1h30, the rest is the things we do in the morning + the time it takes to go and come back from the gym). I could fit it in less time, but I like it when I can take my time and not start my day being in a hurry. Working out in the morning is a great catalyst for productivity the rest of the day. I go to bed everyday at 8pm on week days and a bit later on the weekends. As long as I can get at least 6h of good sleep, I'm usually close to being optimal. I consider my days to be of 21h instead of 24. The workout block is non-negociable!