Which workout videos have you enjoyed lately?

@patrickthian I like Kathryn Morgan's classes on youtube. She has a couple of beginner ones which are varied and slow. She also has a lot of intermediate, advanced and pointe classes. I did try one of the intermediate ones for fun but it was waaay top difficult for me. Ballerinas by night is live streaming classes on their youtube as well. I quite enjoy theirs. If you want company classes, my dancer friends have said the Royal Ballet has good classes.
@warpur The London Fitness Guy on Instagram is great! He does live videos but I think all of his posts are super helpful. He also just seems genuinely wholesome haha
@warpur I love MadFit’s workouts! She has shorter exercises 10-20 min workouts. I also enjoy Heather Robertson’s workouts. Some of them are no equipment, no repeat or low impact HIIT workouts and are usually longer (30-40 min). I love both cause they don’t talk a lot.
@warpur I randomly stumbled on this full-length pilates class and really enjoyed it. I loved that it came up with both a warm up and a cool down so I could just do the whole thing and feel like I had a "complete" workout. The instructor was very professional and calm without being too "woo-woo" for my liking, and she included modifications to make the moves easier or more difficult. Also didn't require any equipment.
@warpur I just started out with some of Chloe Ting's youtube workouts! She's so supportive and offers modifications.
Also, this pilates workout has been crushing my butt. Always causes a burn and I would honestly say taht I prefer it over a lot of longer leg workouts.
@warpur This bodyweight fitness tutorial saved me - it’s the routine from /r/bodyweightfitness broken down by a smokin’ hot guy (who’s great at simplifying difficult moves and making them seem achievable).

After doing my first session last Sat I could barely sit up the next day. I’ve already had less back pain. And I like that it’s a well thought-out progressive routine with minimal equipment:

@warpur Heather Robinson’s HIIT videos kick my ass and I love that she doesn’t spend a bunch of time talking throughout her videos! She has some specific apartment-friendly type videos that I’m a huge fan of because my knees are terrible and there’s no jumping. Also, she does a bunch of no-repeat videos that I love because I get bored super easily.

I’ve never been the type to be able to consistently work out at home, let alone even feel like I’m getting a good work out in, but Heather’s videos are so fun that I find myself wanting to do them and I end up dripping sweat after 30 minutes.

She rules!
@mrsminx I’m in week three of the 12 week program on YouTube. I’ve never been a great person at sticking to work outs either. I can hardly believe I’m nearly able to do a push up for the first time ever. Love her style sooooooooopo much. Love the preview and the shortness of each item.
@warpur Curious - do you guys do one workout a day? Multiple? One and go for a walk too? Feels like a lot of online workouts are 25-45 minutes which feels so much shorter than going to a group fitness class at the gym.
@ezworldwide For the last week I've been doing about 30 minutes of yoga each day, plus a strength training video, plus my officially-allowed dog walk. The walk is maybe 45 easy minutes, doggo is getting a bit old for longer or faster hikes sadly.
@ezworldwide I was doing only 1 45-60 min workout a day, but that felt like not enough for my sanity, so I added another 30-45 min workout a day. Usually I take my dog out as soon as I get up in the morning (30 min walk on weekdays, closer to an hour on weekends) and come home and do a set of the Chloe Ting 2 week shred challenge videos. Then, in the evening when I'm done with work, I'll generally hop on my bike trainer and do a lap of a moderately hilly Zwift course that's 8-10 miles, which usually takes me 45-60 mins. I've also been mixing in DownDog Barre or one of the Insanity workouts for my evening workout to give my crotch a break from the bike saddle, but I don't like either of those things (especially Insanity- I used to swear by it but I seem to be finding it more and more annoying by the day) as much as I do biking. I take Fridays off because I'm really sore and need one rest day, haha.

This is far more than I was working out before we were on lockdown but now we have literally nothing else to do and going on my bike trainer and putting on good music makes me feel something close to happy for an hour, so why not?