Which workout videos have you enjoyed lately?

@warpur So speaking of Fitness Blender, has anyone else developed a weird affection for Kelli and Daniel? Feel like they are my friends now lol.
@warpur I really like Nicole Wilkins’s Lower Body Superset workout. It’s the right amount of challenging. No equipment needed. Took me about 40min to get through doing 3-4 sets. https://nicolewilkins.com/training-journal-lower-body-bodyweight-superset-workout/

More recently, I’ve been doing Chady Dunmore’s 28 day transformation on OxygenMag. The exercises feel repetitive at times. Some equipment is required like dumbbells and resistance bands. Some days I feel like it’s a challenge, other days super doable. I got it free with a promo code so I decided to give it a shot. https://courses.oxygenmag.com/courses/fast-track-fitness
@warpur I did this fitness blender 1000 calorie workout yesterday that was brutal


I love how they detail whats in their workouts so I can brace myself before hand. Also blogilates and popsugar fitness on youtube.

Also theres a lot of free trials for streaming services at the moment. https://www.jetsweatfitness.com/ has a month free trial with the code WFH. They have a really good variety of low impact toning style workouts like Model Fit and pilates, muay thai boxing, HIIT workouts, and yoga. It has a lot of my favourite studios that I've been missing.

On the note of favourite studios, many have been doing live streams on their instagram that are available on IGTV after. Rumble has a bunch of boxing/HIIT workouts that require no equipment and Solid Core has some great ones that only require gliders (or a sub) and weights.
@warpur I really like PuzzleFit on YouTube. Crystal, the instructor, is so nice and chill and laid back yet still motivating. I can't stand overly peppy fake type instructors, or the too tough drill sergeant type. Good variety of workouts from 5 mins to 45 mins that can all be done from home with minimal equipment. And some of the workouts are HARD!
@warpur Natacha Oceane’s workouts are no joke. 20 minutes and all I can do is crawl back to bed. That said, her workouts are very enjoyable!

I’ve also recently purchased her new at-home workout guide. It’s really challenging and rewarding at the same time.

I like doing Lisa Fiitt’s live video workouts. It kind of imitates a gym workout and I actually feel it more than I do in the gym. Another thing that I’m trying right now is barre video classes. I’m fairly new to it, but so far I’m loving it!
@warpur I've been following the Blogilates/Pop Pilates/Cassey Ho April workout calendar. I used to her videos a long time ago and am getting back into them. They are difficult, but very strength training focused over cardio.
@warpur Peloton app is free until July so I’ve been using that and really enjoying it. I just have a cheap stationary bike but you can still follow along. Not sure I will pay for it once the free period ends ($20 a month ouch!) but some of the best indoor bike workouts I’ve ever had.
@warpur HASfit on YouTube. They’ve got strength training and cardio. For beginners to advanced. They have videos for arms, abs, legs, and all over. Each video they have a standard workout and a modified one. Also I like that they’re a family.
@warpur Natacha Oceane has put out a several great no equipment/minimal noise workouts since quarantine! She's really creative with calesthenic movements, and I really appreciate the 'minimal noise' consideration for those of us with downstairs neighbors and roommates napping in the next room.

Here's one that messed me up good last week:
@marlou I tried that one yesterday... it killed me. My thighs are sore and I was very unprepared for some of those movements where u plank backwards like the crab walk.