Why aren't mine arms getting bigger?


New member

Squats 3x 8-10

Leg Press 3x 8-10

Seated Calves Raises 3x 8-12

Abs Crunches 3x 8-12

Leg Extensions 3x 8-12


Wide Pull Latdown 3x 8-12

Cable Row 3x 8-12

Bicep Curls 3x 8-12

SHoulder Delt Raises 3x 8-12

Lower back workout (idk its name) 3x 8-12


Chest Press Machine 3x 8-12

Dumbbell Bench Press 3x 8-10

Butterfly Machine 3x 8-12

Tricep Pulldown 3x 8-12

Pectoral Delt Fly 3x 8-12

So I have this unique issue where all my limbs r getting stronger except for one: my arms. Both biceps and triceps. EVERYTHING else is getting progressively stronger without issue, but my arms are CONSTANTLY phasing in and out of the same strength range for months: Bicep curls stuck around 15 pounds and tricep pulldown at like 33 lbs. There is no way this is my genetic max, right? Why is everything else getting stronger but my arms? And before anyone asks, I AM pushing my limit everytime, to a point where I damn near destroy the proper form on the last rep trying to get it through. What is going on?
@imjapun Could be bad form. Could be you aren’t pushing the muscle to exhaustion. Could be you aren’t eating properly.

Try to dial down the weight and work on perfect form and pushing the muscle to exhaustion. Check out videos on each exercise and pay attention to the form. No bouncing and don’t use other body parts to compensate for weight.
@saltlamp The last two wouldn't make sense as all my other muscles are growing just fine... and my form is ok I believe as I did have a trainer confirm it, so what else could it be?
@imjapun It’s always fairly simple, muscles grow thru tearing the muscle and letting scar tissue form thru a day or so of rest.

Maybe you aren’t pushing to exhaustion and stopping several reps short. Could be you aren’t giving the muscle enough rest to heal. Try increasing protein and carbs after you hit the gym.
@imjapun I actually struggle with the exact same problem as I'm also following a ppl workout routine. It seems to meet as ppl is a very good split for those of us that want to achieve a well balanced physique all over, but it's not perfect. What kve come to learn is that arms want grow while following a conventional ppl it's simply too little direct work on the arms. Try and see wether you can fit in an entire arm day in your routine maybe look into the pplxarnold split which is very popular right now.
@imjapun If your truly eating right, training right, resting right like you say you are- maybe you just need to give it time man.

These things dont just happen in days or months.

And not to sound rude at all but 15lbs curl sounds like you may be a beginner? Trust me , your doing good just keep going it’ll take some time