Women’s vs men’s barbell

@dixibehr I’ve been to gyms that were on a razors edge financially. A fine line that would have put them out of business. I’d think op would prefer the gym stay open with men’s bars than close with no bars.
@truthtellah Any chance they have an extra training bar (like 10kg) you could use?

Otherwise it sounds like hook grip will become even more important. Maybe some extra tape and breaks/reduced reps to help with fatigue. At least it won't impact every movement.
@truthtellah All the CF gyms I've been to always had the same amount of women's bars as men's, if not more. Sheesh, sounds like you identified the first of what could be many problems for you down the line.
@truthtellah Barbells are the basics of a gym, being a past owner, you need to have as many if not more 15Kg bars, demographics of your membership is probably 60/40 women vs men. This owner is out to lunch if they don’t have these BBs. Find another gym .