Working out with babies requires sacrifice from the entire family

@bettie I started working out after having kids. I completely cut tv out of my life and work out at home.

I started with an Amazon basics kettlebell. I’ve since picked up 2 competition kettlebells, a weighted jump rope, a backpack with sand in it, and a pair of gymnastics rings.

My workouts arnt perfect by any means. I’m often interrupted. But the unexpected result has been my 4 year old asking to workout with me and ride on my shoulders when I rucksack.

I’d say I usually get 6 hours sleep a night. Maybe 7.
@bettie Omg do I miss ultras. I can hear the crazy in your writing. I was told it’s apparently a “waste of money” to go through IVF while training that hard and the last marathon I trained for was canceled for Covid. Then there was baby #2….maybe someday I’ll run that 100 miler 🥲
@redeemedsinner Dad here…you have to adjust and make the best of it. Pushups, burpees, a pair of kettlebells, some bands and a pull up bar will offer you flexibility.
You might not be able to block your schedule for hours but you can certainly grease the groove that way.

Raising kids is the best.

You got this.
@redeemedsinner 100%. Also when your child is older and if your location allows find a gym that does day care. Mine does day care for 2 hrs. My daughter’s 6 now, but I’ve been bringing her to the gym since she was 4. I’m in much better shape now than when she was an infant bc we have the bandwidth for individual time. That time didn’t exist before
@anton1992 Exactly this with gym daycare. I have three little ones (5.5 years, 3.5 years, and 2 months old), the gym daycare is a lifesaver. This gym in particular can accept children as young as 6 weeks. It would be much harder to find time to workout without it.
@eternum I mean it just depends on your hours. I take my daughter on the weekends around 9AM, and if I wanted I could take her between 4-8pm during the week. So even if you just did two evenings + sat-Sunday morning where I live that’s 4 workouts. I’m fortunate that my current office lets me work out on the clock now, so I don’t need the evening slot anymore
@anton1992 Ah, I guess I can't imagine taking a really young kid out to childcare until 8pm, especially if they've been in daycare/school all day. It would be hard to fit in dinner and stuff.
@redeemedsinner It is so hard. After my daughter was born, I got by with home workouts (usually after bedtime) for a full year before I could consistently make it to the gym. And yep, when I get up at 5am to workout before my toddler is up, it means my husband has to stay with her until I get back. He’s still struggling by to find a consistent time that works for him. I find myself getting super jealous of the couples that get to workout at my gym together. But it’s temporary (the baby part, at least!). Hang in there and keep it up!
@joeuwa It's not particularly temporary having limited time. Older children require getting ready in the morning and stuff, and all the dinner and bedtime in the evening, then activities.
@joeuwa It took me a year postpartum with my second child to finally prioritize myself. And then when my second was 18 months we got a family membership at the YMCA and there is child watch starting at 6 weeks old!! So during the week I can drop the kids off to workout and on weekends my husband and I can go and workout at the same time too. It’s so nice. Maybe that’s an option near you.
@redeemedsinner First of all congratulations. I am 10 weeks postpartum. One thing I will say is the sleep gets better. She cluster fed all night until very recently but just last night I got 6 hours straight. This leaves me more refreshed for workouts. Also my LO sometimes really loves to be downstairs in the basement with me when I workout. I put her in her swing and talk to her while on the bike trainer or do my strength exercises while talking to her, she also sometimes falls asleep- I try to time this after I've played with her and fed her.
Also my husband and I take turns. Working out is important for my mental health and he knows that so he helps me make it work. In exchange, I also give him time to do stuff important to him.
@redeemedsinner When I was single I had a longer commute that required me to be up at 4 if I wanted to workout. Fast forward 15 years, I'm 42 with 2 young kids (3 and 1) and still getting up at 4 to lift. The only difference is I have my own equipment at home so it's easier to get the workouts in now, with kids, than it was then.

All that to say, if I tried working out at 6:30 it'd never happen. Just have to adjust.
@redeemedsinner I have been collecting weights for home use because I have a baby on the way. I picked up a nice set of plates for a good price on facebook marketplace, and was talking about my situation to the guy who sold them to me.

He was like "oh yeah, gym time is out of the question when you have a baby at home", and he reassured me that it's fine to do what you can when you can. He was probably the most fit person I have ever seen in person, and he was mid 40s. His kids are 10+ now.

(also, his home gym was more well stocked than my YMCA. I counted over 10 benches, over 7 racks. and he had two bar stands that were full that hold 9 each, a mixture of regular bars and some specialized ones. And more plate trees and dumbbell racks than I could take in during my brief visit)