question for the community

  1. S

    Workout Routine: Suggestions Please

    Hi! I started in the gym around 2014 and have experimented with different programs for a couple of years. Below is a routine that I’ve committed to for the last 2 years (with tweaks here and there) with both my cuts and bulks. I never thought to do so until now, but I figured I’d ask the...
  2. S

    Trying to build a routine and looking for feedback!

    Here are two workouts I’ve kind of put together, would love anything anybody has to add. I’m trying to look for a full body, 3 day week schedule. Haven’t put together the third day yet but figured I’d stop and ask! I haven’t worked out in a very long time and don’t want to just walk in with no...
  3. J

    u/l/u/l advice

    I've been working out seriously for about 3 years now and this is the first time im gonna make my own split and would like some feedback on it. My ideal body build would be like david laid (i'm aware he isnt natural) or kinobody (greg o' gallagher) ofc i am fully aware my genetics are not on...
  4. P

    What’s your opinion?

    School is about to start up and I will be crunched for time with school and work, so I will probably move to a 3 day a week full body split (focusing on compound movements). this is what I was thinking. Workout A: 5 sets of Squats, 6-8 reps (80% max) 5 sets of Bench, 6-8 reps (80% max) 5 sets...
  5. J

    Help with progressive overload?

    Hey! 🖤. I'm still a newbie in the weightlifting world. I am a 24-year-old female and I work out my lower body MWF and upper body T@oldwoodie while using the weekend to stretch and rest. Coming out of a depression so I am back to lifting. I revamped my lower body routine for the new year that I...
  6. N

    How to address body insecurities?

    I've tried for many years to get rid of my lower belly or slim my legs so they don't touch together. I still focus some workout in these 2 areas, but I've also understood that some things are genetics or hormonal (my lower belly). Sometimes it's better to accept and embrace ourselves :D This...
  7. D

    please help a kid figure out if her workout routine on a time crunch and slight arm emphasis is okay lol (I need this for a project as well)

    I've been training for Hypertrophy for around a year and 9 months, but have only really been taking it srsly for like.. maybe.. a literal year/ a literal year and a few months im not sure) Here is my routine as a 16 afab, Do note that because the volume might be wild lol. Surprisingly, Lower...
  8. I

    Is 3 exercises per day 6 days a week the same as 4 exercises 4-5 days a week? Both would be 18 exercises total, same volume

    I am doing 4 sets per exercise which totals 72 sets per week in both cases but doing only 3 exercises per day would make working out a more pleasant experience for me. Is this really the same though? Does that mean it's the exact same effectiveness or is 3 exercises not enough to get the...
  9. E

    Thoughts on beginner routine?

    Hello, I started going to the gym a little over a month ago. I started with machines and want to continue with them for a bit to keep consistency but I want to make sure I’m doing the right things…here’s what I do: Day A: Upper Body -Chest press: 3sets/12rels/90lbs -Shoulder: 3sets/10reps/30lbs...
  10. L

    Introducing FitFiesta.AI

    🪩🎉‘Yoga on Jazz or HIIT on the Beatles’? We’ve got you covered! Introducing FitFiesta.AI 🎉 🪩 Created by a team of 4 CMU Masters students, we're here to transform your workouts. Command what kind of workout you like and what beats you like, and we plan to deliver the perfect mashup. Your...
  11. T

    Program Upper Lower Push Pull Leg

    Hi, I would like make my program but I need you and your experience. Can you tell me what is better between : 1) Upper (Strenght) Lower (strenght) push (hypertrophy) pull (h) legs (h) 2) upper (H) lower (H) push (S) pull (s) legs (s) 3) push (S) pull (s) legs (s) upper (H) lower (H) 4)...
  12. N

    Should I make any changes? Any help is appreciated!

    I have been going to the gym for about 3 years now and found my current workout from a youtube video about a year ago. I have seen great results and my strength is increasing but i was just curious if there is anything anyone would recommend to better optimize my gains or if i should keep it...
  13. B

    Good Routine?

    Hi! I’m looking to start hitting the gym more and lose weight. I’m a 5’6 male, I currently weight somewhere near 260 lbs and wanna get down to 190 at the least. What do y’all recommend for this goal? As far as workout days I’m thinking 2-3 for 1-2 hours at first then eventually the same 2-3 and...
  14. F

    Question on Volume

    Currently I’ve been following this bicep routine for the last 8 months 3x/week and have seen modest results. However I feel like I’m working harder but not smarter and that there’s a more optimal routine I could utilize. - Incline Curls 3 x 12 - Hammer Curls 3 x 12 - Spider Curls 3 x 12 -...
  15. C

    My chest won’t grow

    I am currently doing push (chest front side delts) pull (back rear delts arms) and legs I am doing 8 chest exercises with all of them finishing with a set till failure and a drop set at the end of my workout And 6 front delt exercises My chest hasn’t been growing at all same as my front...
  16. D

    Advice on my beginner workout routine?

    Hi, Sorry for the long format, I would appreciate any advice on this beginner workout routine I made for myself in regards to the volume, rest days or additional exercises, I am only using equipment I have at home, and the goal is to put on muscle while slowly reducing overall body fat (Body...
  17. T


    My routine is push legs pull except for bench press my rep range for all exercises is 10-12 reps for 3-4 sets I'm cutting and some people told me I should increase it to 15-20X3 or do 5X5 for some exercises but.. why tho what's the point of it 5X5 for mass sure but for cutting... and 15-20X3...
  18. R

    Home Workout Dilemma: How to Achieve Better Results?

    Good day, everyone. I'm seeking advice on how to make my routine more efficient for weight loss and muscle gain. I have 20-25 minutes available every day for home training. I possess dumbbells with 6 x 5kg (11lbs), 4 x 2.5kg(2.5lbs), and 4 x 1.5kg(3.3lbs) disks. A year ago, I started training...
  19. P

    would this be a good start routine?

    Plan to work out again to really just improve health and flexibility. Currently 31 and 195 pound and 6.1 feet. Thinking of starting off with simple 1 kilometer run which i easily increase with time. 10 push ups, 10 squats, and 30 second planks. Then thinking of redoing my old system of one pull...
  20. F

    AI generated this workout routine. Is it any good?

    I tasked AI with providing me with a workout plan to use to start weightlifting again after years of focusing solely on running. I run 26 or so miles a week and run M-F, and told it I additionally wanted to go to the gym to lift weights purely to look more muscular, 3 days a week if possible. Is...