“Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

@lovely_krystal86 I'm kinda disappointed neither him or gvs talked about cardio being the limiting factor. If you check any of RPs training videos with athletes they often just give up mid set because they are out of breath while being nowhere near failure
@oregongirl1 The biggest thing I think these bodybuilders do wrong is only talk about step count with cardio. Daily activity is great, but it isn’t cardio. Actual cardio, sustained activity with an elevated heart rate, will have a lot of positive carry over to weight lifting.
@lovefaithpeace I don’t think there’s no benefit for cardiovascular health. But walking typically doesn’t elevate your heart rate into the 60-75% maximum heart rate zone considered zone 2 where the aerobic CV benefits occur. If it does, that’s great and it should be considered. But if you can walk for hours on end without sweating, how is that cardio?
@oregongirl1 Eric Bugenhagen has the best take on RP imo

If you don't wanna watch everything just go to the end. Mike is just using personal training tactics that PTs have been using for decades. Get someone huge and jacked to do something they never did before and no shit, of course they are gonna struggle. Mike started as a personal trainer btw
@oregongirl1 Or that they push their guests harder than they do themselves? Charlie was the only one going to true failure, and he even pulled Mike up on how Mike thinks he's going to failure, but isn't. Lyle McDonald mentioned this, and on viewing, he is correct. Mike never even hits mechanical failure - his Reps get faster as the sets progress! 🤣🤣

Mike dropped a bollock by stating before that if you want to drop fat then don't bother doing cardio after weights, just go for a walk another time. Understandable, but you won't get the heart benefits from the walk like you would doing true cardio.

I'm also sick of the Lambo talk too. Seen Mike's training facility? It's pure class. Again, more unnecessary schtick from the weird one.
@piecebypeace Lyle the GOAT. Big fan of his work and critique of Mike regarding "0 RIR". Also had a good critique of Mikes advice to train with higher volume on a cut. It doesn't work for naturals I firmly believe. You should be doing less volume on a cut otherwise you burn out. I experienced this first hand, watched Mikes video on higher volume on a cut, trained too hard, was under recovered and lost size
@nimoh I felt he was a bit off in his videos. If I remember correctly, he’s bipolar and on medications for it. I expect that dealing with him would be challenging.
@rogerstees High rep strength training doesn’t give anywhere near the cardio benefits as actual cardio. It does not take care of the cardio. You really need to be supplementing if you want those benefits.
@supescritter A good portion of people reach health recommend conditioning levels from recreational resistance training. That is most if not all if most of your training is 10s in compound lifts.
@bmackenzie88 Yes. Doing 8-12 or even higher reps on squats and deadlift etc. Is going to take care of cardio demands from a health and conditioning perspektive for most people especially if that is your bread and butter.