“Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

@katma Rir 4 is close to failure in the data. So there is plenty of room to train that id not failure. In general I dont think going to failure often is very productive for many reasons.
@auxier587 Specifically, I think it's a mistake as a beginner to do only isolation movements while avoiding compound exercises. The stimulus magnitude you receive from compound lifts as a beginner is too great to pass up on unless you have some very good reason for avoiding them. For an intermediate or advanced lifter, you may not put on much muscle doing a high bar squat compared to an exercise that is better stabilized. A beginner squatting half their bodyweight on the bar, however, experiences greater benefits than a trained individual squatting close to failure. First and foremost, heavier compounds can be performed much further away from failure in untrained individuals (8 RIR) with similar results to 1-2 RIR training, and a squat will also work the posterior chain unlike a leg extension. This also goes for some advanced tactics like pre-exhausting muscles before compound movements. There are very few reasons a beginner should need to pre-exhaust before a major compound.

Compound movements also aid in general mobility and athleticism to a greater degree than isolation movements because stabilization is more important through your entire body when performing those exercises.
@auxier587 let noobs get the enjoyment of a bit of bro training while they are too weak to fuck themselves up. go for raw stimulus magnitude (aka more barbell basics) over sfr to save time because total fatigue is still very easy to deal with
@systematiker ngl dude I don’t think rp is big enough for a large amount of young guys to even know who he is

more likely it’s advice they found on tiktok or by a more casual fitness influencer
@dawn16 Idk about that one. Most of the 18 year-old skinny guys in gyms are following dudebros lol, I didn’t know what RP was back then either.
@lovely_krystal86 Him and GVS took clips that Mike posted on IG of what looks like obviously relatively newer lifters using strict technique and used that as reasoning as to why they aren’t jacked. lol
@lovely_krystal86 Idk how you can watch Dr Mike and feel overwhelmed.

Count working sets. Full range.

Variation of exercises can hit the same goal, but do not vary too much.

Find a challenging set. Progressive overload.

Rinse and repeat lol
@lovely_krystal86 I honestly roll my eyes watching Jared and Mike train with their overly strict technique and light weights. It just seems boring and too analytical. Mike also makes his trainees go to RPE 11 in videos while most of his working sets look like RPE 5-6.
@serbian_w0lf Curious, is your only problem with it that it looks boring or that you think it’s limiting their results too? Definitely agree training like that can take the fun out of training at times.
@lovely_krystal86 Lol always hilarious when people try to discredit one’s knowledge because they aren’t natty 😂. My old coach for my first show was enhanced (I’m not enhanced ) and I placed 4th overall in the NPC Armed forces battle royale back in November. Thinking there’s some magical way enhanced athletes and natural athletes should train is foolish.
@lamporful They discredit the knowledge because the knowledge itself seems to suck and thus no natural serious lifters are training that way. Yet someone on a fuck load of drugs can absolutely train that way since the bar is set so much lower for what works.