1 year challenge results!

@paddyaran Having seen this in work I can't access youtube but i'll be sure to check the video out when I get home. The blog write ups were great to read through though. Really inspiring!
@heathersandoval I am continuing. I always found the pull-ups and L-sit the most challenging part of the workout. For at least a month, I'm going to a 20-25 minute version 5x per week (M-F after my morning tea). I'm curious to see how my body responds. The one thing that's lacking is cardio and I'm down to running like 1x per month. Here's what I've been doing for the past week...

Start with a couple stretches (cat-cow is the best for me).
Then I do the following 3x (like a circuit):
Plank (side planks the next two times through) 1minute
Hollow hold - 1 minute
Pull-ups / (next day Push-ups)
Dips / (next day low-rows)
L-sit (I do these every day)
Burpees (as many as I can do in 45 seconds)
Rest for 90 seconds
repeat 3 times