1 year challenge results!

@paddyaran Sounds good, I've had a break for a month due to seeing family over christmas and illness so I'll be starting up again this next week (health permitting!).

The point I was at the workout was taking between 1.5-2hrs, which is a lot 3x a week; so I understand wanting to get the workout down to a shorter time. Best of luck to you and again, thanks a bunch for sharing :)
@paddyaran I love your challenge documentation--how you did it and why and how often and the specific results. I enjoyed watching the progression on your video to that great music. I find it interesting that you didn't gain much weight and not a lot more visible muscle mass, but a real gain in muscle strength as shown in your BJJ silver metal so quickly after getting your purple belt. It's great that you were able to continue with RR even when you weren't able to do BJJ because of minor injuries. Thanks for the great video and report!
@zenos777 I lifted on and off throughout my life. I've become a believer in BWF. I tried doing a light benchpress when my shoulder was injured and couldn't do it at all. I was able to work through all my Jiu Jitsu injuries with BWF.
The web post goes into much greater detail. Ultimately you have to find something that fits with your lifestyle.