[12-Week Challenge] Week 10 Update

@denice65 Pretty pleased with myself this week. I can see changes in my progress photos finally! I also unexpectedly lost 0.75 inches from my waist since last check. And, my husband gave me an unsolicited compliment - he said my arms look more toned which was something I hadn't noticed. He usually gives general husband-y compliments but this specific one was out of the blue. That felt nice. I'm planning on starting a cut to see the muscles I have been building.
@denice65 I've had a rough few weeks between major work projects, major volunteer commitments, and some personal stress on top of that. Meals completely slacked off since I was never home and my husband doesn't shop or cook, so even though I was still eating fairly healthy, it was usually "a little here, a little there" adding up to more than my needs. I also had two weeks of zero gym time because of all this and missed a medical appointment too.
Anyway, yesterday I finally got a day off and while I wasn't feeling great, I did do a ton of shopping and meal prep! Things have slowed down a bit now at work so I'll be able to go to the gym at lunch (and eat a lunch... haha). Today I made it to the gym and ate very well, plus drank plenty of water, so I'm officially back on track for the rest of the challenge! Even though my weight went back to my starting point, it could have been worse if I didn't have this group to motivate me and get me through some of those tough days!
@denice65 It's funny how much my goals have shifted by this point. I originally added cardio as an after thought and during this challenge ive gone from no cardio at all to prepping for my first 5k race during week 12.
@denice65 I had a great week of nutrition and training. Had a squat PR and a deadlift rep PR. Also, I bought an app that helps me track my training so now there is no excuse for me to forget to record my progress.

Also, just a PSA for anyone who worries about the scale: It was my birthday on Sunday, and I had some sushi and froyo to celebrate. It did NOT fit my macros--I went over carbs by ~100g. I woke up this morning at 129.2lb--I'd been weighing in at ~126 all last week. I peed, weighed myself again, 128.6. I went to the bathroom one more time, and I weighed in at 127.6. Tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be back closer to 126.

A year ago I would have freaked out that I gained 3lb in a night. Now, I understand how glycogen storage and water weight work. Knowledge on the workings of the human body is liberating.
@denice65 Honestly, this week did not go as planned. I did something to my hip during squats, I think and I've been too scared to lift. It feels super tight and hurts when getting up and walking. It is starting to get a bit better, though. I've been doing some stretching and focusing on mobility and flexibility. I am able to bodyweight squat below parallel, barely, but my knees crack loudly and my hip feels tight. I'm sure this has something to do with the years of primarily sitting I have done for work and school--I'm just not sure how to address it. I'm not old (28) but I feel like it when I try to do anything requiring flexibility.

I've been slacking in cardio, too. I rode my bike to school this morning from the lot, so that is something, and I did some yoga this week.

My weight is about the same as last week. I am also on my period and I've been overindulging in sugar--not going too much over calories but still, not the best use of them. I need to do better about eating and get out and walk, bike, hike if I'm going to meet my challenge of 153. I'm now hovering around 155. For some reason I think I eat MORE when I'm exercising LESS.
@denice65 This weekend I'll have my first pre-sanctioned cheat day! I'm not super strict with my calories, but I was slightly disappointed after Memorial Day after I tracked how much I had eaten. This weekend I'm going camping with friends I only see once a year, so I'm not going to worry at all about calories. The food will be pretty healthy, but I know s'mores and beer are going to be abundant. I can't wait! :)

Also, my previous "fluke" low weight is now my "real" weight! Been consistent for the past week!
@denice65 Yessssss! I achieved my major fitness goal out of this - I ran 10 miles yesterday. Won't get to my weight goal because life and I like to eat when life comes at me (but working on that!). So excited! Doing a half marathon in August now!
@denice65 This week was okay. I got in one lifting workout, some fencing, and a nice long run. I was planning more and am disappointed about missing and then just eating whatever too. I'm trying to not get so down about it. I still did something, but I don't want to just let that mean I can get lazy either. I slept through my alarm this morning so that's one thing I really need to charge.
@denice65 Oof. The past two weeks haven't been the best. Fell off the wagon with my diet and working out. I'm going to try to make the best of the next two weeks before my vacation!

I have gotten stronger though so I'm really happy about that!
@denice65 I didn't pay much attention to what I was eating this week (aka a burger and half a cheeseburger pizza in one night, with more pizza the next night). I did make a bunch of high protein, low cal lasagna though which will make my overall week alright.

I am still going to CsTf, but I frequently have to work one of the days, which means that I'm going way less than I hope. I also haven't been able to make up the missing days by running since its very rainy. Doin' yoga 1x week.

On the bright side, in the 8 CsFt classes I've attended, I've done 300 burpies. I'm getting better at them! I also have the heaviest kettlebell swing of all the women there (I am twice their size, but whatever)! :D This week I got super into the class and the workout was soooo good, I didn't want to stop.

Goal for the last two weeks: I want to go to CsFt as much as humanly possible and learn as many drills/good form as I can. When these two weeks are up, I'm climbing a mountain and then moving away to a remote area with no gym buddies or gym. :(
@maxicastag I guess its not thaaaaat low cal, but its good.

Lean Turkey Lasagna Meal Prep:


• 1 lb. extra-lean ground turkey

• 1.5 cup low-sodium basil marinara sauce

• 1 zucchini

• 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese

• 1 egg white

• 3/4 cup reduced-fat mozzarella (optional, but recommended)

• Seasonings for meat such as garlic powder, onion powder, or cumin. (Seasoning may not be needed if you
purchase a "seasoned" marinara sauce.)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. Season ground turkey and cook in a nonstick skillet. Add marinara to create the meat sauce and stir.
  3. Slice zucchini into small pieces.
  4. Mix cottage cheese with egg white in a separate bowl.
  5. In a jar or small foil tin, layer zucchini, meat sauce, and 1-2 tbsp of cottage cheese mixture. Repeat one more
    time to fill jar.
  6. Add one final layer of meat sauce to the top, then finish with 1/4 cup mozzarella.
  7. Repeat for remaining 2 containers.
Nutrition Facts

Serving size 1 serving Recipe yields 3 servings

Calories 387

Carbs 16 g

Fat 12 g

Protein 55 g

I don't have access to some of these ingredients (pasta sauce, lasagna noodles, cottage cheese), so my recipe is a bit different. I use a squash called kabachok (its a lot like a zucchini, sooo good) cut into rounds as a sub for pasta, plus tomato rounds, homemade tomato sauce (or adjika if I'm not lazy, its much better), and tvorog (sub for cottage cheese, which I prefer since its not chunky).
This recipe is very forgiving, and you can mess with it a lot. I've made it several times now adding and subtracting things and its always good!

Edit for formatting
@denice65 So I had a major flub on Saturday during a ~60 mile bike ride and fell off my bike not once, but twice, on to my bad ankle. The first time I fell was at the turn around point so we still had 30 miles to go...I basically pushed off to go, lost my balance, crunch.

That wasn't too bad. The 2nd fall was much worse, probably about 15 miles out. My husband stopped to save a turtle crossing the path. I was supporting myself on the railing of a bridge so I wouldn't need to put my feet down. We get going again and I lose my balance, cue my bad leg instinctively going down to catch myself and my already injured ankle completely buckling under me.

So I'm rolling around on the bridge, clutching my ankle. I haven't felt pain like that since the first time I sprained it like 8 years ago. Manage to get back on the bike and go a bit further and I'm sobbing the whole time :p Husband makes me stop at a park while he sprints the last 5 miles or so to get the car and come get me.

So I spent the rest of Friday and yesterday on crutches because I couldn't put any weight on it at all. It's not broken fortunately and no bruising, just one small swollen spot. I can put weight on it today without crutches.

I'm just so pissed, so close to my goal weight and now I basically have to cut out all running and boxing and probably yoga too. I'll have to reduce my calories to make up for the lack of exercise. I think in a few days I'll actually be able to handle the stationary bike and rowing maybe, so I'll have that for cardio. Planning on doing body weight stuff for my upper body. I may be down but I'm not out!
@denice65 My weight hasn't really moved for a little bit, but I'm happy and while seeing abs for one day was the goal, I'm not really in a rush to get there. I feel a 1000x better in my body than I did at the beginning of this challenge, so I think that's a win.