12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

@denice65 I had to miss a couple gym sessions due to prior plans and/or a sore back, and didn't feel guilty about it at all! I had my first day in a long time where I couldn't track specific calories and I still made good choices and didn't get upset about the lack of control. And if the weight I weighed in as today sticks around (unlikely given how much ai vary in a week), I'll officially be a healthy BMI!

Plus I bought graduation ceremony dresses and they weren't plus-sized! Admittedly this is because they weren't tight on the bottom which is where I'm still holding weight, but that's life.
@denice65 Just joined! (Commenting to remind myself to check in for the week after I'm added to the spreadsheet.)

Did C25k with a girlfriend on Saturday who is just starting running again, and then we walked 5.5 miles through the neighborhood. Total: 8mi.

Sunday, went for a hike that we'd planned as 10mi, but ran into a super adorable black bear that was probably not as friendly and cuddly as he looked, so we turned around early. Total: 5.1mi.

Goal for this week is to get outside and run at least 3x. Total mileage goal: no less than 15.
@denice65 I feel like I barely remember last week. I know I lifted three times, and ran at least once but everything is kind of foggy. What is going on with me?
@denice65 I had a great week in the gym. Personal life kinda sucked for a few reasons.. But it's getting better.

Hit the gym 6 days last week (my goal for the challenge is 5). Got my squat 3x5 to 2 sets of 135, 1 set of 145. Ate at maintenance all week.. Except for Saturday when I screwed up serving sizes and literally ate 8tbsp of peanut butter instead of 4 (it was delicious at least!!). In reality it was only like 300something cals over my "maintenance" calories.. So I'm not too concerned. I managed to IIFYM it and eat a burger, fries, and amazing custard on a date with a lovely guy, and yesterday I had burgers (literally my life is all burgers), beer, and some other stuff with friends last night. Being able to enjoy eating and have some semblance of a social life again has been great for my mental health. Ran a 5k yesterday in 29:01, and ran the entire thing straight--which is something I've never done before. It was definitely a week of successes for me, writing this all out helped me put that into perspective :).
@denice65 I had a great week, but in ways I didn't expect when I started. After last week's disappointment (I hadn't lost any weight which made me forget that I have visible recomp going on) I have decided to avoid my scale until after I move (2 weeks). Even by last Monday evening I found myself looking in the mirror and thinking "wow, I have changed quite a bit already!" I notice more tone in my core especially. My diet wasn't so great over the weekend because I was celebrating my graduation with my family (officially Dr. FrenchHornOne). There was quite a bit of alcohol involved so I'm still carrying a little bit of bloat. But I'm excited to take progress pics and measurements in one week for the halfway mark!

Keep it up everyone! And don't forget that there are many ways to measure progress!
@denice65 I had a really bad week.

I've been tired. Stressed about work. We are about halfway through our 9 week powerlifting program, deadlifting and benching 3x a week, plus other stuff.

On Thursday, I nearly burst into tears at the gym since my bench hadn't moved up, and I cried all the way home. I didn't go into conditioning class on Friday, and took it easy all weekend.

I feel bad for skipping mother's day festivities, but taking it easy and eating a lot made me feel better. I've skipped weighing myself the last few days.

I did a lot of meal prep and feel good about the week ahead.

Hoping the deload/destressing helps this week.
@denice65 My week was interesting. I lost 1.5 more pounds so I'm happy about that. I ate out a few times this week. I found it hard to not feel anxious about not being able to log properly. I really don't want to fall into old patterns but I don't want to be obsessed with logging. I have a love hate relationship with logging, I am seeing results so I will continue but I don't want it to take over my life. 2 more days until I complete the 30 Day Shred, so proud of myself for doing all 30 days in a row. Trying to decide what plan to start once I finish. A lot of people recommend Millionaire Hoy's youtube channel so I may do his plan next. Recommendations on not being obsessed with logging and any great at-home fitness vids are welcome :)
@denice65 I didn't go to the gym as much as I wanted to this week because of life things but on Saturday, I worked out chest with my boyfriend and I benched the bar!!! Without any help!!! This is huge because a) I hate working out chest. b) I hate it because I feel extra weak c) I couldn't bench without my boyfriends help BUT I NAILED IT THIS WEEK.

Super baby steps but whatever, this is big for me and I'm happy.
@denice65 Pretty good week! Drank a bit more than I would like but did a lot of exercise too to help make up for that. Ran my first 5k of the season, and really my first one since the weight loss, with my husband on Saturday. I ran it 4 minutes faster than I ever have on the treadmill! When we were running up to the finish line and I saw the timer I was shocked, since I was expecting to be slower given outside is supposed to be more difficult.

Still don't like running tho :p

Also bought my new hybrid bike on Saturday! Ordering stuff to get it commute ready and planning to do my first ride to work tentatively next week sometime. Took it out for a ~9 mile ride yesterday and it was shifting on it's own or something while in a certain gear...so need to take it in and get that looked at, husband said the derailleur probably needs to be adjusted.

Supposed to rain all this week so sadly probably not going to be able to get out and do much, planning on keeping the drinking on the DL though.
@denice65 Broke up with my boyfriend (kind of for the summer... it's complicated as we're long distance for the next few months) and after a day of moping it's given me the motivation to get back on track. I have the summer to just work a 9-5 office job so why not take advantage of all the spare time (a student usually so office jobs are a dream) and get my running going and lose the last 30-40lbs I want to. We have a date in September so I want to show up and be super hot so it's my goal. So er... I got my fitness mojo back. It's nice to feel a bit more me when it comes to that. Partially relationship mess and the other part relaxing from a crazy school year.

Besides that I went on a hike and took some gorgeous pictures of the Rockies from the summit of a mountain. My first ever proper hiking up a mountain hike! Running slacked because the next day my legs were not happy with me but I was so proud. Got another hike planned for this weekend so I can run during the week. Diet is also back on track which is so lovely. Though no cookies this week is my goal.
@denice65 Shitty week... Guy I like said I'm "too complicated" and we basically broke up. Midterms exams are killing me, last month of this semester. I skipped the gym three days in a row because I couldn't leave my bed. My friend is coming to visit me in two months and I'm feeling too exhausted to plan anything.

But hey, three weeks without drink soda!

Kudos to the girls doing an amazing job in this challenge!
@sarath Sorry to hear about your emotional struggles this week. Congrats on giving up soda though, that will do wonders for your health.

What do you mean by "couldn't leave your bed?" No energy or no motivation?
@denice65 A few weeks ago I had commented about visiting family and devouring ALL the chocolate. This past weekend, I once again visited family - with the same tension and drama, mind you - and this time DID NOT EAT ALL THE CHOCOLATE! Hell to the yeahhhhh. I only had some of the chocolate peanut clusters (I mean, they're delicious), but otherwise had a very successful visit :D So so so happy that it didn't turn out like last time and I felt like it was a far more successful week because of that little cherry on top!

Lifts are still the same, and my pull up.. still so close D: I might actually try for it this week. Just need to engage my lats!! In terms of weight, I'm definitely down a pound, and I can tell I'm actually getting very muscular. I might take pics this week just so I can compare my halfway point to my finish.

Also bought a food scale and have been playing around with it. I'm going to test it out this week and see how much stuff I'm actually consuming, because I have a feeling I am totally not eating enough for how active I am.