19.3, an owner’s ignorance, and a culture of cheating

@will8764 This is the fault of the judges allowing it, not the athletes. Someone needs to call them on their "bro reps" if the athlete doesn't have the integrity to police themselves.

As an example, I STRUGGLED with 19.3, due to bad shoulders in an overhead movement. I didn't finish my lunges in the 10 minutes. Many times I had to go back to the beginning of a 5' section because I didn't finish it without dropping the weight. My judge was getting confused with the markings on the floor and pointed to a line for me to restart a section that was 1' back from where I was. I knew the actual line was 3' back from where I was. I could have listened to my judge, but I'd just be cheating myself.

If the athletes don't have integrity, the judges need to. If they don't, the affiliate owner needs to. If they don't...well, they all suck.
@will8764 members judging members is just people not having the confidence or desire to tell their buddies they have to redo it. Or not being sure and erring on the side of allowing it. Id not sweat it.

Judging the owner as being 'disinterested' and 'ignorant' is tough. you were texting him. maybe he was dealing with something else at the time. maybe he made an innocent mistake and had bigger issues on his mind in the moment you guys had that text exchange. maybe hes got serious personal stuff going on that you dont know of or who knows, 1000x other possibilities. Maybe he really IS disinterested and checked out. if so offer to step up and handle setup for the next round?

You're right to uphold standards, but you're also (from what I see and read) projecting a worst case scenario on all of this.

Remind the open judges and participants of standards and do a quick demo of whats good and a bad rep before the open sessions you oversee, and lead and be the change you wanna see! :) Good luck!
@will8764 In my opinion, think it depends on the athlete. If it’s a 60 year old lady that wants to do it for the fitness, sure, hammer down. But if you’re signed up and submitting a score, play by the rules.

I put my hand on my knee 2x during the box step ups Friday night and didn’t realize it was against the standard till this morning. It bothers me that I didn’t hold that bit of the standard and I struggled mightily trying to hold the HSPU standard for the few I did. I try hard to check myself with these standards because, like it’s been mentioned so much above, it’s about integrity.

I heard someone say the other day that the reason those rep shavers and poor effort folks bother me so much is because I’m afraid of seeing that in myself. It’s not about them and their fitness, my “anger” is about me and what I can do. All I can do is control my reaction to the situation.
@will8764 I'm late in on this but I agree 100%

At our box prior to the open workouts the coach gives a little talk about the Open and what it stands for, that it is the time of year that high standards must be held, that integrity is essential and no reps can be expected.
This and going through the standards in detail I think creates respect and the right culture and sets expectations.