24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

@youthcenterdream I can try! Chin-ups haven’t been a part of our programming, so I’m very inexperienced with them and I don’t have the requisite strength. Actually had them for the first time ever Tuesday and it didn’t go well for me. Funny, after Tuesday, I mentally put them on my 2024 get better list!

Can you kip a chin up?
@jck64 You can kip or butterfly chin-up grip pull-ups or chest-to-bars with relative ease. They’re much easier than kipping or butterflying regular pull-ups.
@jck64 I don't have pull-ups and I don't have chest to bars. I went to the gym yesterday and found I could kip up to my chest, but couldn't actually touch my chest to the bar.
For context I'm 45th percentile for my age group (50-54). I was able to Rx the first two workouts.
Should I do the scaled version as it will allow me to do all the movements?
Or should I do thrusters and spend the rest of the time attempting chest to bars? Is there a CrossFit gym etiquette for this?
@lex123 What doesn't track?

A jumping C2B is an easier version of a C2B.

A regular Chin-over-bar pull-up is an easier version of a BMU, but harder than a jumping C2B.

Lighter weight on the thruster.

If that's still out of reach, try Foundations.