3.5 months in our local box. New to this sub. 26/f. Any ladies in this sub?

@p1saint2 You lost 25# in 3.5 months? That's awesome! The self confidence to wear a bikini is an even bigger accomplishment!

I'm a female who mainly works out in my garage. I've been at it since around November. Must admit, although I was never busty, I do miss my boobs. The CrossFit booty is nothing to scoff at though!

Congrats on your accomplishments! Keep it up!
@p1saint2 24/F, started crossfit 5 months ago. I gained about 10 lbs, and now need to lose about 30. I'm much stronger, however not losing weight is bugging the hell out of me. I'm relatively new to this sub as well. Congrats on the progress!
@p1saint2 welcome young lady! 31/m here been doing it about 18 months (cept the last 6 weeks as I snapped my clavicle) I can feels the muscle melting away :( I have been doing baby wods!! you show us your before and afters....well show you ours!
@bonjala I'm fairly new to crossfit too (4th week starts today), and also started frequenting r/xxfitness...I don't see a lot of xfit hate, I actually see a lot of women mentioning it in comments in passing, and most of the time people don't say anything about it. Which is nice, since we obviously don't need to see that negativity.
@bonjala I wanted to check out other subs. My biggest concern was all the hate that comes with cross fit. Every time I see a post about cross fit in other subs the downvotes are ridiculous. I will try to check it out! Thanks
@p1saint2 Aww, yeah Crossfit does get some hate. It's too bad but I've gotten pretty good at explaining it to people :) I'm 31F btw and love it. It's the first fitness program I've ever been able to stick with, and if that makes it culty then I'm thrilled to be in!