3.5 months in our local box. New to this sub. 26/f. Any ladies in this sub?

@p1saint2 Haha, that was one of my first WODs, too. I came in having had experience in competitive boxing and having done a few months of bootcamp-style workouts right before I joined, so I certainly wasn't expecting to feel like I was gonna die.
@p1saint2 I'm pretty new to crossfit. I love it. The crossfit community is what makes it so great I've found. My box is full of really supportive people, always pushing each other to complete the WODs. Really, good people. Congrats on your weight loss
@p1saint2 28/f, started almost two years ago. Took a few months off here and there, I'd say I've been doing it seriously close to 1.5 years. Didn't lose any weight, but I wasn't overweight when I started - 5'5" and 140 with a large frame. I'm now in the low 150s, almost all of the extra weight is muscle.
@p1saint2 Also female here. Been doing CF for about 7 months now and I have to say it is the best decision I've ever made in regards to my own health. Just feeling better, stronger, and more energized than I've ever been my entire life! Congrats on your weight loss!
@p1saint2 Congrats on the weight loss! I'm starting my 4th week of crossfit today. I don't weigh myself (major trigger), so it's a little frustrating not seeing definite progress. It's hard to tell when you see yourself in the mirror every day, but I wouldn't change how I feel since I started with anything in the world. We didn't take measurements either (fail!), but did take "before" pictures and will take progress ones every month.

I've read a lot about shifting focus from aesthetic goals to strength goals - ie: improving the numbers on the bar rather than the scale. Change will happen either way! Obviously as women it's hard not to think about weight loss and loss in inches, but it's definitely a more fun challenge trying to get stronger and improve WOD times than worrying about weight loss.
@p1saint2 36/f here, been crossfitting for just over a year - I started when my son just turned 1, and then got pregnant promptly 4 months after starting! I'm currently waiting to pop out baby #2 right now and get back as soon as humanly possible!
@p1saint2 If you're looking for another good subreddit, you may want to check out /r/xxfitness , a women's fitness sub. Some crossfitters on there too!

22 y/o lady here, crossfitting about 6 months. Welcome.
@p1saint2 Welcome! 48yo/F here. I just lurk here. Started crossfit in April with an on ramp. Loved it, joined the box, and was going 3x a week for 2 months. I was seeing good results with my clothes fitting, visible muscle tone, more energy, felt stronger, etc...then tore my hamstring (high @ insertion point in the gluts) playing softball. Still doing push ups, wall squats, sit ups, some air squats as mobility lets me, but really missing the box atmosphere, coaching, etc. hope the PT gives me the green light to return soon!

Glad to see some over 40 females here as I have yet to meet one at my box!