4 year difference (85Kg>~65Kg>69Kg). 5'9", 27yo M

@ibelieveinchrist Could you post an example of a few days from the diary? And maybe comment on how you picked those particular exercises/intensities for the day (if you can remember!). I'm really interested to get a feel for how your dynamic routine works.

Awesome work
@jadom I’ll use yesterday and today as an example;

Yesterday I did an explosive/ muscle up pulling routine consisting of:

5x5 explosive pull ups (very form conscious)
3x8 false grip elevated ring rows where I pull the rings to my waist (accessory exercise)
4x12 concentration curls @ 10kg (accessory/ hypertrophy)

Today I will do:

5x5 elevated hollow body pike press
5x5 weighted dips @ 22.5kg (after which I know I will be close to maximal recovery capacity)
3x8 diamond push ups (really slow concentrated on muscle contraction)

An example of working within my recovery capacity is the 3x8 diamond push ups. They are a very easy variation of push ups, however if I go harder than that, right at the end of the work out after doing 2 movements with high intensity at 5x5, I will burn out and go beyond my recovery capacity. On any other day where they were performed at the beginning of a work out for example, I could easily hit 4x12 diamond push ups, but it’s about choosing the correct volume depending when I perform the movement in a work out, and what movements have come before it.

Hope that is detailed enough for you!
@oneway2mylord No, i do push pull 6 days a week. Although for the past 2 weeks I've done a full body ring routine 3 days a week (then core workouts on off days) because the weather has been absolutely beautiful in the UK.